Presentation |
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| · Presentación Ibáñez-Bonillo, Pablo; Chambouleyron, Rafael
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Special section |
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| · From Undulant Serpent to River Course: Amazon’s Colonial Representation and Cartographic Invention Unigarro Caguasango, Daniel Esteban
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| · Construction and Uses of Canoes in the Amazon Basin during the 16 th and 17 th Centuries Jaramillo Arango, Antonio; Giraldo Sabogal, Daniel; Sarmiento Rodríguez, Juan David; Borrero L., Ricardo
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| · The Amazon Connection: Tupi and Tapuia Exchanges in Dutch Atlantic Trade (1600-1641) Cardoso, Alirio
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| · Dispute over the Colonial Sertão of an Iberian Amazon: The Case of Sertão Spices (17 th and 18 th Centuries) Pompeu, André
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| · The River as a Space of Contest: The Politics of Portuguese Occupation in Guaporé (1740 - 1770) Siqueira de Melo, Vanice
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| · Indigenous Resistances and Territorialities in the Frontiers of the Iberian Amazon in the Mid-18 th Century Ibáñez-Bonillo, Pablo
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| · Amazonia in the History of the New World: Alexandre Rodrigues Ferreira, the “Observações Gerais e Particulares sobre a Classe dos Mamíferos” and the Native Peoples Domingues, Ângela
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General section |
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| · Encomienda, Power and Miscegenation. An Approach to the Life Journey of Two Mestizo Encomenderos of the Nuevo Reino de Granada in the Second half of the 16 th Century Kasmi, Shems
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| · The Economy of the Santafé (Bogotá) Jesuits: The Colegio Mayor de San Bartolomé and the House-novitiate of Las Nieves (1752-1766) Galindo Zuluaga, Julián
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| · Invent the Republic in the Animal Kingdom: The Animals of the Llano as Protagonists of the Independence of Nueva Granada and Venezuela, 1814-1819 Cardenas-Herrera, John Jairo; Spillemaeker, Frédéric
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| · Roads that Arrive, Not Leave, from Colonial Paraguay. A Centripetal Explanation Based on Three Cases in the Valle de las Salinas García Riart, Jorge
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| · ‘Will the War Be Waged with All Its Ugliness, with Iron and Fire’: Of the Right of Resistance in Portuguese America Nonata da Silva, Célia
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| · Administration and Finances of the Hospital de San Pedro in Santafé in the Nuevo Reino de Granada (1539-1635) Marín Tamayo, John Jairo
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| · Royal Patronage and the Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction in the Philippines: The Case of the Military Vicar Jerónimo de Herrera y Figueroa (1668-1677) Coello de la Rosa, Alexandre
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Reviews |
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| · Nuevo atlas histórico marítimo de Colombia, siglos XVI a XVIII Vidal Ortega, Antonino
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| · La vida privada de las bibliotecas. Rastros de colecciones novohispanas (1700-1800) Rey Castelao, Ofelia
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| · Las ciudades olvidadas. Las sociedades originarias de la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. Siglos X al XVI Sárcina, Alberto; Toro, Karen
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| · Resistencia y adaptación. La pugna del campesinado guajiro isleño del occidente de Cuba contra la sacarocracia (1670-1817) Nieva Sanz, Daniel Miguel
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| · Un catholicisme colonial. Le mariage des Indiens et des esclaves au Brésil, XVIe-XVIIIe siècle Silva, Renán
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