Editorial |
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| · Poder y derecho en la geopolítica global Roll Vélez, Dinah; Mira González, Clara María
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Artigo de Investigação |
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| · An approach to the state responsibility by an omission in the inter-american court of human rights jurisprudence Barón Soto, Marcela; Gómez Velásquez, Alejandro
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| · Occupational accident: Spanish Case-Law and Jurisprudence Vicente-Herrero, María Teófila; Torres Alberich, Ignacio; Capdevila García, Luisa; Ramírez Iñiguez de la Torre, María Victoria; Terradillos García, María Jesús; Muñoz Ruipérez, Carmen; López-González, Ángel Arturo
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| · Female between black and indigenous voices: contributions from memory for the construction of a public policy of protection of land for minorities in antioch Vásquez Santamaría, Jorge Eduardo
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Artigo de Reflexão |
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| · The philosopher and scientist of the xxi century Toro Palacio, Luis Fernando
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| · Political education at the University of Antioquia and its impact on the perceptions of undergraduate students on the negotiation of the Colombian armed conflict Agudelo Hincapié, Zaira Alejandra
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| · Potential prospects of pension system in Colombia. Analysis from the Chilean pension system Franco Alarcón, Paola Andrea; Oquendo, Tatiana María; Berrio Loaiza, Carlos Mario
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| · Protection regulations people suffering carpiano rotator cuff and tunnel from the system of labour risks and general pension: Experience from social security office of the Antioquia's University Rivera Aguirre, Christian David; Flórez Genes, María Eugenia; Duque Quintero, Sandra Patricia
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Artigo Curto |
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| · Clause General Ban Unfair Competition Bustos Romero, Michel Federico
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Revisão do Tópico |
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| · The medicalized air transport as a guarantee access to health services in Colombia Páez Rojas, Pedro Luis; Tabares Restrepo, Diana Marcela; Vergara Crespo, Carolina
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| · Inventive concept as patentability requirement in the speech of the Court of Justice of the Andean Community Prada Uribe, Julián
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