Editorial |
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| · Formando futuros abogados en tiempos de Covid 19 Arango Barreneche, María Jael; Castrillón Gallego, Natalia María
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Artigo de Investigação |
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| · People with disabilities: barriers to access to employment and some alternatives of inclusion in Colombia Gómez Rúa, Natalia Eugenia; Pérez Medina, Ana Lucía; López Arango, Diana María; Medina Ruiz, María Fernanda
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| · Jurisprudential line on the recognition of rights to the LGTBIQ community Altamiranda Morales, Darlis Johana; Mendoza Ríos, Sara Rebeca; Medina Ruiz, María Fernanda; Carmona Montoya, Adiley
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Artigo de Reflexão |
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| · When is an investigation considered really innovative? Epistemic challenges in the production of new knowledge in law Gulfo, Yamid Enrique Cotrina
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| · The provision of Spanish Sign Language interpreting services for deaf people in legal proceedings González-Montesino, Rayco H.
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| · Human rights and the problem of prison in Colombia:A genealogical reading perspective Hincapié García, Alexánder; Henao Castrillón, Kelly Johana; Cardona Montoya, Delio Antonio
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| · Suicide as an insurable risk in Colombia: A jurisprudential analysis based on the theory of the judicial precedent Amaya Suárez, Mario Alberto
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| · Civil liability in the field of restrictive practices to free competition Beltrán Valencia, Gustavo Adolfo
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Revisão do Tópico |
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| · Law and education and legislative evolution in the access of people with disabilities to the Spanish educational system: from exclusion to educational inclusión Cerezo, Cristina Castell; Chavarría, Rosa María Espada
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| · Higher education in Spain in 2020: challenges to achieve equal opportunities De Torres Soto, María Luisa
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Artigo de Reflexão |
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| · Special educational needs and autism spectrum disorder in the construction of the principle of best interest of the child and adolescent in Chilean Law Astudillo Meza, Constanza
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