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Revista CES Derecho
versão On-line ISSN 2145-7719


rev.ces derecho vol.13 no.3 Medellín set./dez. 2022

 ·  Other subjects of property and tax charges
Arenas Correa, José David

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 Artigo de Investigação
 ·  Regulation of Social Protection Floor: inequalities from occupational risks and occupational health
Galeano Buenaventura, Judith Vanessa; Gómez Rúa, Natalia Eugenia; Montenegro Martínez, Gino; Cuervo Diaz, Diana Elizabeth

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 ·  The action of protection: a mechanism for the protection of fundamental rights and an enabler of constitutional reforms?. The landmark case of the peace seats for victims of the armed conflict
Yáñez Meza, Diego Armando; Rincón Pedraza, Henry; Delgado Medina, María Gabriela; Niño Ochoa, Luis Enrique

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 ·  The influencers and the impact in the consumer law in Colombia
Rodríguez Galán, Daisy Johana; Hernández Medina, Andrea Carolina

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 ·  Analysis of sexual abuse against children in the south of Casanare in the years 2015 to 2020
Peláez Parra, Milton Herllem

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 Artigo de Reflexão
 ·  The extrajudicial settlement in administrative dispute matters and its attempt for judicial disconvention
Galofre Campo, Andrés

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 ·  Femicide crime in Chile: A study on infidelity as a stimulus for the attenuating circumstance of outburst and blindness
Guerra Espinosa, Rodrigo; Sierra Campos, Catalina de los Ángeles

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 ·  The conflict of interest of business groups against the rules of international and local conflict from private international law: case study Colombia
Arango Benítez, César Andrés

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 ·  Labor rights in times of pandemic: a socio-legal reflection for Ecuador
Matos De Nouel, Ibely Ana; Cajo Montesdeoca, Paola Isabel

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 Artigos de Revisão
 ·  The constitutional courts against the systematic violation of rights in the field of structural sentences
Narváez Benavides, Daniela

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 Artigo de Reflexão não derivado de pesquisa
 ·  The Spot contract in the sale of bananas in Ecuador; Challenges of lege ferenda
Navarro Hernández, Raudel

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