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Revista CES Derecho
versão On-line ISSN 2145-7719


rev.ces derecho vol.14 no.2 Medellín maio/ago. 2023

 ·  Surrogacy and maternity leave according to the Constitutional Court
Gómez Rúa, Natalia Eugenia; Mora Sánchez, Helary Vanesa

        · texto em Espanhol     · Espanhol ( pdf )
 Artigo de Investigação
 ·  Vicissitudes of the fundamental right to health in Colombia period 2020-2021 its approach and the incidences in its limitation
Agudelo Gutiérrez, Gabriel Jaime

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 ·  Public Policies on Aging and Old Age: The cases of Uruguay and Colombia
Londoño-Moreno, Angélica María; Lladó-Olivera, Mónica Sandra; Díaz-Bambula, Fátima; Rentería-Pérez, Erico; Wittke-Tallar, Tommy

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 ·  International reference for a public procurement court in Colombia
Benavides, José Luis; Zorro Miranda, Luisa Fernanda

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 ·  The exclusion from patentability of inventions that attempt against life: the case of medication abortion
Vargas-Chaves, Iván; Guerrero-Veloza, Juan Pablo; Varón-Vanegas, César

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 Artigo de Reflexão
 ·  The legal nature of the resolution declaring the adoptability of a child in Colombia
Garcés Jaramillo, Manuela; Estrada Jaramillo, Lina Marcela

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 ·  Legitimate defense against non-imputable individuals
López Loaiza, Augusto

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 ·  Access to civil justice in Chile from economic analysis of law
Carrasco Delgado, Nicolás

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 ·  Private property: trend of jurisprudential rules in Colombia based on the collision of general interest and particular interest
Bermúdez, Johana Vergel; Santana, Martín Humberto Casadiegos; Vergel, Ana María Carrascal

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 Artigos de Revisão
 ·  Analysis of Colombian regulations for traffic regulation and road safety, 1990-2017
Montenegro Martínez, Gino; Arias-Castro, Carlos Esteban; Cardona-Arango, Doris; Segura-Cardona, Ángela; Muñoz-Rodríguez, Diana Isabel; Gutiérrez-Ossa, Jahir; Henao-Villegas, Santiago

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