| Table of contents Rev Cuid vol.9 no.3 Bucaramanga July/Dec. 2018 Editorial | | | | · Challenges of Health Education in the 21st Century Cuartas, Jaime Restrepo
| | | Resarch article | | | | · Process of professional identity perception in nursing González-Aguilar, Abigain; Vázquez-Cataño, Fabiola; Almazán-Tlalpan, Berenice; Morales-Nieto, Arelia; García-Solano, Beatriz
| | | | · Health care networks in nursing training: interpretations based on primary health care Maffissoni, André Lucas; Vendruscolo, Carine; Trindade, Letícia de Lima; Zocche, Denise Antunes de Azambuja
| | | | · Health profile in very elderly people with social vulnerability in the community Santos, Vanei Pimentel; Lima, Wilma Resende; Rosa, Randson Souza; Barros, Izadora Menezes da Cunha; Boery, Rita Narriman Silva de Oliveira; Ciosak, Suely Itsuko
| | | | · Sociodemographic factors associated with the degree of physical disability in leprosy Silva, Janete Silva Rezende da; Palmeira, Iaci Proença; Sá, Antônia Margareth Moita; Nogueira, Laura Maria Vidal; Ferreira, Angela Maria Rodrigues
| | | | · Characterization of cranioencephalic traumatism victims who evolved to brain death Silva, Priscila Ferraz; Silva, Andreia Soares da; Olegário, Walnizia Kessia Batista; Furtado, Betise Mery Alencar Sousa Macau
| | | | · Occupational hazards in nursing professionals at materials and sterilization centers Lima, Maria das Dores Pereira de; Chaves, Bárbara Jeane Pinto; Lima, Valdinez da Silva; Silva, Paulo Emanuel; Soares, Nádia Shirley Correia Sobral; Santos, Iolanda Beserra da Costa
| | | | · Quality of friendship and alcohol consumption in high school adolescents Mejía Martínez, Amalia; Armendáriz García, Nora Angélica; Alonso Castillo, María Magdalena; Oliva Rodríguez, Nora Nelly
| | | | · The effect of some socio-demographic and psychosocial factors on anxiety symptoms in a sample of type 2 diabetes mellitus patients in a community in the western region of Puerto Rico Alvarado, Rita A. Vélez
| | | | · Childhood Obesity: an anthropometric, biochemical, alimentary and lifestyle analysis Paiva, Ana Carolina Teixeira; Couto, Crislaine Campagnoli do; Masson, Adriano Pinheiro de Lemos; Monteiro, Cristiane Aparecida Silveira; Freitas, Cristiane Fonseca
| | | | · Costs of the search for tuberculosis diagnosis: impact on the family economy Ferreira, Ana Lúcia da Silva; Nogueira, Laura Maria Vidal; Sá, Antônia Margareth Moita; Ozela, Claudia dos Santos
| | | | · Feelings of mothers at the kangaroo care unit and support strategies for nursing professionals Sales, Isabela Maria Magalhães; Santos, José Diego Marques; Rocha, Silvana Santiago da; Araújo Filho, Augusto Cezar Antunes de; Carvalho, Nalma Alexandra Rocha de
| | | Review article | | | | · Effects of laser therapy in the treatment of pressure injuries: a systematic review Bernardes, Lucas de Oliveira; Jurado, Sonia Regina
| | | | · Self-Efficacy for Managing Chronic Disease 6-Item Scale: assessing self-efficacy in chronic disease management Pereira, Larisse Dunke; Bellinati, Natalia Veronez da Cunha; Kanan, Lilia Aparecida
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