| Table of contents Rev Cuid vol.12 no.2 Bucaramanga May/Aug. 2021 Editorial | | | | · Educational Alternation: A challenge to protect the health and life of the school community Oróstegui Arenas, Myriam; Bautista Lorenzo, Leonelo Enrique; Martínez Vega, Ruth Aralí; Sosa Ávila, Luis Miguel; Vera Cala, Lina María; Rodríguez Villamizar, Laura Andrea; Herrera Galindo, Víctor Mauricio
| | | Resarch article | | | | · Knowledge and Confidence among Community Health Workers on First Aid and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Martins, Débora Maria Bezerra; Brandão, Maria Girlane Sousa Albuquerque; Araújo, Francisca Drenalina de Sousa; Albano, Livia Maria Camelo; Ávila, Erilandy de Sousa; Neto, Nelson Miguel Galindo; Barros, Lívia Moreira
| | | | · Effects of Shift Work and Coping in Hospital Nursing Professionals Antoniolli, Liliana; Souza, Sônia Beatriz Cócaro de; Macedo, Andreia Barcellos Teixeira; Pai, Daiane Dal; Magalhães, Ana Maria Müller de; Magnago, Tânia Solange Bosi de Souza
| | | | · Risk Factors for Pressure Ulcers Development in Patients Admitted to Intensive Care Yoshimura de Campos, Michelle Mayumi; Souza, Mariana Fernandes Cremasco de; Whitaker, Iveth Yamaguchi
| | | | · Validation of the Competency Scale for Cancer Patient in-Home Care Carrillo, Gloria Mabel; Vargas Rosero, Elizabeth; Gómez Ramírez, Olga Janeth
| | | | · Care Needs of Caregivers of Patients with Cancer during Inpatient Stay Lins, Ana Luiza Rodrigues; Mendonça, Erica Toledo de; Moreira, Tiago Ricardo; Matos, Renata Almeida de; Andrade, João Vitor; Martins, Thalyta Cássia de Freitas; Carmo, Monica Maria Lopes do
| | | | · Overburden and Quality of Life of Caregivers of Patients with Cancer during Palliative Care Arias-Rojas, Mauricio; Carreño Moreno, Sonia; Sepúlveda García, Aura; Romero Ballesteros, Ingrith
| | | | · Prevalence of Prostate Cancer Risk Factors and Symptoms in Indigenous People in Tabasco, Mexico Sánchez Sánchez, Kristell; Cruz Sánchez, Marcelina; Rivas Acuña, Valentina (+); Pérez Chan, Manuel
| | | | · Risk factors and surgical site infection in trauma-orthopedic surgeries Silva, Edilane Neves da; Silva, Renata Kelly dos Santos e; Carvalho, Simone Barroso de; Façanha, Dilene Maria de Araújo; Carvalho, Rhanna Emanuela Fontelene Lima de; Pereira, Francisco Gilberto Fernandes
| | | | · Pain in older adults over the age of 80: Characteristics, impacts and coping strategies Atílio, Fernando Gustavo Cordeiro; Suzuki, Augusto Furukawa; Damaceno, Daniela Garcia; Alarcon, Miriam Fernanda Sanches; Marin, Maria José Sanches; Girotto, Marcos Antonio
| | | | · Breast Pain in Breastfeeding Mothers. Prevalence and Associated Factors Penha, Jaiza Sousa; Rabêlo, Poliana Pereira Costa; Soares, Liane Batista da Cruz; Simas, Waleska Lima Alves; Oliveira, Bruno Luciano Carneiro Alves de; Pinheiro, Feliciana Santos
| | | | · Caregiving Competence and Social Support in Caregivers in Norte de Santander, Colombia: A Comparative Perspective González Escobar, Dianne Sofía; Vega Angarita, Olga Marina
| | | | · Stress Perceived by Nursing Students during the Mandatory COVID-19 Lockdown Muvdi Muvdi, Yolanda; Malvaceda Frías, Eynick; Barreto Vásquez, Marisol; Madero Zambrano, Kendy; Mendoza Sánchez, Xilene; Bohórquez Moreno, Cristina
| | | | · Electronic Medical Records in Intensive Care Units: Validation of an Instrument on Nursing Perception and Satisfaction Costa, Daiane Vieira Medeiros; Gomes, Vanessa Rossato; Godoi, Ana Maria Limeira de
| | | | · Role of Novice Family Caregivers of Dependent Adults: A Scoping Review Esquivel Garzón, Natalia; Carreño Moreno, Sonia; Chaparro Díaz, Lorena
| | | | · The COVID-19 pandemic and specialized oncology care: An experience report Teixeira, Tamara Otsuru Augustinho; Moura, Veronica Torel de; Santos, Gislene Padilha dos; Carneiro, Ieda Aparecida; De Domenico, Edvane Birelo Lopes
| | | | · Factors associated with metabolic syndrome and quality of life of adults in a northeast brazilian municipality Santos, Isleide Santana Cardoso; Boery, Rita Narriman Silva de Oliveira; Fernandes, Josicélia Dumêt; Rosa, Randson Souza; Ribeiro Ícaro, José dos Santos; Souza, Andréa dos Santos
| | | | · Randomized controlled trial of a multicomponent program for informal caregivers of Alzheimer's patients Cerquera Córdoba, Ara Mercedes; Tiga Loza, Diana Carolina; Álvarez Anaya, William Armando; Dugarte Peña, Edwin; Jaimes Espíndola, Lisseth Rocío; Plata Osma, Leidy Johanna
| | | | · Sociodemographic, clinical and psychosocial factors related to diabetes self-care Brevidelli, Maria Meimei; Oliveira, Adriana Bueno de; Rodrigues, Gilcelli Vascom Girotto; Gamba, Monica Antar; De Domenico, Edvane Biello Lopes
| | | Review article | | | | · Skin Preparation for the Prevention of Surgical Site Infection: A Scoping Review Medina Garzón, Mauricio; Castaño Plata, María Camila; Moreno Herrera, Cristhian Camilo
| | | | · Cardiovascular Risk and Factors Associated to the Health in Hypertensive African Descent People Resident in Quilombola Community Rosa, Randson Souza; Ribeiro Ícaro, José do Santos; Silva, Jaine Kareny da; Souza, Luiz Humberto Rodrigues; Cruz, Diego Pires; Damasceno, Rudson Oliveira; Junior, Edison Vitório de Souza; Boery, Rita Narriman Silva de Oliveira
| | | | · Fake News on Coronavirus in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Documentary Analysis Alencar, Nadyelle Elias Santos; Lima, Francisca Fabiana Fernandes; Gouveia, Marcia Teles de Oliveira; Silva, Grazielle Roberta Freitas da
| | | | · Symptom Cluster among Patients with Advanced Heart Failure: A Systematic Review Pérez Sandoval, Leidy Paola; Moreno García, Jenny Rocío; Barboza Galindo, Adriana Paola
| | | | · Vulnerability of the Black Population in Brazil to the Evolution of the COVID-19 Pandemic Ferreira, Ricardo Bruno Santos; Camargo, Climene Laura de
| | | | · Nursing Interventions to Meet Information Needs of Family Members of Critically ill Patients Guáqueta Parada, Sandra Rocio; Henao Castaño Ángela, María; Motta Robayo, Claudia Lorena; Triana Restrepo, Martha Cecilia; Burgos Herrera, Juan David; Neira Fernández, Karen Daniela; Peña Almanza, Berni Alonso
| | | | · Clinical practice guidelines for the treatment of Covid-19 in Brazil: A systematic review Lanes, Taís Carpes; Ribeiro, Mariane Albuquerque Lima; Oliveira, Daianny Seoni de; Junior, Marcos Gabriel do Nascimento; Garcia, Filipe Reis; Melo, Jéssyca Maria França de Oliveira; Tiguman, Gustavo Magno Baldin
| | | Letter to the editor | | | | · Nursing Situation "The Art of Caring during the Process of Grief" Mondragón Sánchez, Edna Johana; Ayala Zuluaga, Jose Enver
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