| Table of contents Rev Cuid vol.13 no.3 Bucaramanga Sep./Dec. 2022 Editorial | | | | · Participación de enfermería en la vigilancia y prevención de la resistencia antimicrobiana Pazin-Filho, Antonio
| | | Resarch article | | | | · Food consumption of infants: Is there a relationship with maternal nutritional status? Cruz-Della-Torre, Ana Clara da; Silva-Maciel, Thais da; Vasconcelos-Bastos-Marques, Débora; Renata-Pereira-de-Brito, Tábatta; Braga-Lima, Daniela
| | | | · Social representations about pediatric peripheral catheterization from the perspective of the family and nursing Krempser, Paula; Pereira-Caldas, Célia; Arreguy-Sena, Cristina; Deleon-de-Melo, Laércio
| | | | · Access and waiting for ostomy according to people with colorectal cancer: an ethnographic study Silva Correa Júnior, Antonio Jorge; Flexa Souza, Thaís Cristina; de Santana, Mary Elizabeth; Megumi Sonobe, Helena; de Souza Pimentel, Ingrid Magali; Nunes Carvalho, Jacira
| | | | · Nurses' perceptions of patient care in palliative care Brochado-da-Costa, Roberta; Rubin-Unicovsky, Margarita Ana; Riegel, Fernando; Ferreira-do-Nascimento, Vagner
| | | | · Mineral and bone disorder: underestimated prevalence in the early stages of chronic kidney disease Nogueira-Quadros, Karla Amaral; Augusto-de-Morais, Flávio; Coelho-de-Vasconcelos, Francisco Edson; Ávila-Watanabe, Yoshimi José; Morais-Bessa, Allan de; de-Rezende-e-Silva, Fernanda Marcelino; Marques-Guedes, Joao Victor; Silva-Belo, Vinícius; Silva-Cardoso, Clareci; Otoni, Alba
| | | Review article | | | | · Quality of life and functionality of intensive care survivors: An exploratory review Arias-Díaz, Julia Andrea; Mejía-Vanegas, Dulfary; Leyton-Toro, Lleraldyn; Ayala-Grajales, Katherine Yuliet; Becerra-Londoño, Angie Manuela; Vallejo-Ospina, Jorge Iván; Rincón-Hurtado, Ángela María
| | | | · Complications associated with tracheostomy in adult patients in intensive care units between 2015-2020. A Scoping Review Reyes-Pulido, Mabel Magoth; Orozco-Levi, Mauricio; Ramírez-Sarmiento, Alba Lucía; Nariño-Gamboa, Angelica Julieth; Fragozo-Ibarra, Andry Giseth
| | | | · Methods used to quantify nursing workload in intensive care units: A review of the literature Cáceres-Rivera, Diana Isabel; Ruiz-Sandoval, Jessica Paola; Cristancho-Zambrano, Luisa Yaneth; Pulido-Montes, Maria Andreina; López-Romero, Luis Alberto
| | | Resarch article | | | | · Influence of social gradient on the oral health of formally employed women Almario-Barrera, Andrea Johanna; Concha-Sánchez, Sonia Constanza
| | | | · Design of a mobile application for home monitoring of babies with complex congenital heart disease Castro, David; Pérez-Rivero, Paula; Quintero-Lesmes, Doris Cristina; Castro, Javier
| | | | · Effects of therapeutic touch in preterm infants receiving nasal CPAP: A pilot trial Valero-Cárdenas, Zayda Katherine; Santisteban-Pérez, Diego Fernando; Fernández-Solano, Dayana Katerine; Ojeda-Olarte, Anny Nathalia; Carreño-Porras, Silvia Juliana; Villamizar-Carvajal, Beatriz; Sánchez-Rodríguez, Javier Mauricio
| | | | · The sense of coherence among university students: a resource for care in times of pandemic Vélez Álvarez, Consuelo; Sánchez Palacio, Natalia; Betancurth Loaiza, Diana Paola
| | | | · Social support perceived by pregnant women in Santa Marta, Colombia: A comparative analysis Thomas-Hilarión, Whitne Dayana; Fuentes-Vanegas, Laura Vanessa; Gallo-Barrera, Yeison David; Ramos De la Cruz, Ediltrudis
| | | | · Self-care practices performed by patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus in Cartagena- Colombia, 2021 Madero-Zambrano, Kendy Paola; Orgulloso-Bautista, Claudia Alejandra
| | | Review article | | | | · Portraying Arica's nursing in the mid-twentieth century, Chile, 1950 Palliative care, end-of-life care, and COVID-19: a scoping review Franco-Rocha, Oscar Yesid; Carrillo González, Gloria Mabel; Rivera-Romero, Nathaly
| | | Resarch article | | | | · Effects of high intensity intermittent training on lipid profile and blood glucose overweight/obese university students Montealegre Suárez, Diana Paola; Ramos González, Edna Paola; Romaña Cabrera, Luisa Fernanda
| | | | · SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence and associated factors among migrants with a vocation for permanence, Bucaramanga, Colombia Martínez-Vega, Ruth Aralí; Bolívar-Grimaldos, Alix; Rincón-Orozco, Bladimiro
| | | Review article | | | | · Repercussions of COVID-19 in hemodialysis patients: a systematic review Frota-Cavalcante, Tahissa; Castro-Jansen, Raphaella; de Souza-Maciel-Ferreira, José Erivelton; Meirú-de-Lima, Cristefania; Candido-Morais, Huana Carolina; Pessoa-Moreira, Rafaella
| | | Resarch article | | | | · Portraying Arica's nursing in the mid-twentieth century, Chile, 1950 Retratando a Enfermagem Arica de meados do século XX. Chile, 1950 Castillo Lobos, Lucia; Nuñez Carrasco, Elizabeth; Parrao Cartagena, Paulina
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