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Novum Jus
versão impressa ISSN 1692-6013versão On-line ISSN 2500-8692


Novum Jus vol.18 no.1 Bogotá jan./abr. 2024

 ·  Liberal Democracy and Rights: Challenges and Outlooks
Fernández Salas, Sergio Andrés

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 Artigo de pesquisa científica, tecnológica ou de inovação
 ·  Information Asymmetry and the Case of the Financial Consumer
Woolcott Oyague, Olenka; Ramírez Gómez, Eddy Rolando

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 ·  Afro-Colombian Self-Justice: A Conceptual Approach
Pérez Bermúdez, Hingrid Camila; Bustamante Rúa, Mónica María

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 ·  Dynamic Analysis of the Inter-american Court of Human Rights' Formulas on Dignity and Autonomy
Lafferriere, Jorge Nicolás

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 ·  Geopolitics in a Zone of Influence due to the Conflict between Russia and Ukraine
Carvajal Villamizar, Jaime Agustín; Mejía Azuero, Jean Carlo; Bermúdez-Tapia, Manuel

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 ·  The Tangram of Law: Negenthropy and Legal Process
León Molina, Jorge Enrique

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 ·  Derived Ineligibility to Contract with the State: A Form of Corporate Criminal Liability in Colombia?
Pantoja-Ruiz, Juan Pablo; Hernández-Jiménez, Norberto

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 ·  Exchange of Information as a Form of International Cooperation in Combating Drug Trafficking
Ovsianiuk, Dmytro; Ustymenko, Olena

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 ·  Destabilization of constitutional democracy and rights policies under Jair Bolsonaro (2019-2022)
Koerner, Andrei; Inatomi, Celly Cook; Vasques, Pedro Henrique

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 ·  Ethical and International Humanitarian Law Criteria in the Use of Artificial Intelligence-Powered Military Systems
Cotino Hueso, Lorenzo; Gómez de Ágreda, Ángel

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 ·  Normative and regulatory framework of the internationalization of the territory in Colombia
Mesa Bedoya, Juan Camilo; González Parias, Carlos Hernán; Zeraoui El Awad, Zidane; Londoño Arias, José Albán

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 ·  Measuring the Land Maña in Indonesia: New Phenomenon of Extraordinary Crime
Wirawan, Vani; Yusriyadi; Silviana, Ana; Widowaty, Yeni

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 ·  The Ecological Rule of Law and the Access to Information in the Escazú Agreement
Aguilar Cavallo, Gonzalo

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 ·  Delivery of Personal Data in The Contract of Sale in Colombian Law
Jiménez Valderrama, Fernando

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 ·  Criteria Tor Criminal Imputation against Agents of the State. Particular Reference to the Colombian Case
Perdomo Torres, Jorge Fernando

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 ·  The European Union in the WTO: a Paradigm of Geopolitical Leadership in International Relations
Baena-Rojas, José Jaime

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 Revisões bibliográficas
 ·  Tratado latinoamericano de sociología jurídica (Bogotá: Instituto Latinoamericano de Altos Estudios, 2023)

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