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Novum Jus
versão impressa ISSN 1692-6013versão On-line ISSN 2500-8692


Novum Jus vol.18 no.2 Bogotá maio/ago. 2024

 ·  La lucha por la justicia en el mundo académico: un imperativo en medio de un panorama geopolítico cambiante

        · texto em Espanhol     · Espanhol ( pdf )
 Artigo de pesquisa científica, tecnológica ou de inovação
 ·  The President of Colombia and His Constitutional Avoidance in Time of Crisis
Gómez-Gómez, Juan Fernando; Mendieta, David

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 ·  Transformation of the Right to Decide: Analysis of the Decriminalization of Abortion in Colombia and Women's Rights
Daza González, Alfonso; Sierra-Zamora, Paola Alexandra; Daza Lora, Santiago Andrés

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 ·  Citizen Participation and the Political Order Resulting from Administrative and Constitutional Reforms
Córdova Jaimes, Édgar

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 ·  Migration and Criminal Law: Line of Defense for Migrants in Vulnerable Situations
Bernal Castro, Carlos Andrés

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 ·  Characteristics of Suspension or Full/ Partial Refusal of Performance in Case of a Counterparty's Failure to Perform an Obligation under Ukraine's Civil Legislation
Leheza, Yevhen; Shcherbyna, Bogdan; Leheza, Yulia; Pushkina, Olena; Marchenko, Olesia

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 ·  The Court of Justice of The Andean Community: An Exploratory Analysis of its Case-Law Activity
Gonzales Bustos, Juan Pablo

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 ·  Legal Consciousness and Judicial Authority: Risk and Gender Inequalities in Domestic Violence Procedures in Chile
Riquelme Espinosa, Ignacio; Quiroz Rojas, Loreto

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 ·  Animal Rights: Theoretical and Conceptual Elements for Their Foundation
Mendoza Pulido, Fabián

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 ·  Human Rights and Information and Communications Technologies
Salvador García, Miriam

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 ·  Cryptocurrency and its Nexus with Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing within the Framework of FATF Recommendations
Anggriawan, Rizaldy; Endriyo Susila, Muh.

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 ·  Cyber Diplomacy in Cyber Power: Mechanisms and Strategies for Furthering National Interests
Realpe Díaz, Milena Elizabeth

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 ·  Acordo União Europeia e Mercado Comum do Sul: novas perspectivas para sua efetivação
da Conceição Lima, Luciana Cristina; Moreno Pires, Sara; Nunes Resende, David

        · resumo em Português | Inglês     · texto em Português     · Português ( pdf )
 ·  Some Refections to Evaluate Accessibility in Latin American Models of Digital Government
Prada Uribe, Julián Eduardo

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 ·  Narco-populism as an Illegal but Legitimate Elite in Latin America
Wilches Tinjacá, Jaime Andrés; Guerrero Sierra, Hugo Fernando; Salamanca López, Mario Esteban

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 ·  Self-determination and Denaturalization of Human Rights: Their Exponential Trivialization
de los Santos Olivo, Isidro; Ávila Hernández, Flor María; Peralta Martínez, Ramón

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