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Updated onJuly 25, 2024
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Publication ofFacultad de Ciencias Humanas y Económicas de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Sede Medellín
Print version ISSN 0121-8417On-line version ISSN 2357-4720


The Historia y Sociedad journal was founded in 1994 by Professor Luis Antonio Restrepo Arango. It is a publication financed and edited by the History Department from the Human and Economic Sciences Department at the Universidad Nacional de Colombia (Sede Medellín). The goal of the journal is to create a space for the publication of historical research done by national and international researchers, and to promote the circulation of these contents among undergraduate, master, and doctoral students, and among the general public, to contribute to the ongoing academic discussion and to the strengthening of historical knowledge and human sciences. The journal is intended for a scientific public with an extensive academic background and specialized in local, national and global history (of Colombia, Latin America and the world), and in historiographical and theoretical analyses and research in similar disciplines. Original, unpublished results of research, reviews, book reviews and transcriptions are published in Spanish, English and Portuguese. The journal is published semi-annually, in printed and electronic formats, in January and July. Free-access contents are available in PDF and XML formats in the digital version.


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