Print version ISSN 0121-117XOn-line version ISSN 2619-6573
Ensayos de Economía is a journal from the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, sede Medellín (Medellín campus). Founded in 1990, it represents the efforts and initiative of a group of professors who wanted a platform to express themselves and to publish the academic and scientific work of the national and international community. The aim of the journal is to present theoretical and applied research to the public, emphasizing the analysis of reality, the reporting of empirical evidence, and the formulation of economic policies. This initiative is grounded in the belief that economic analyses provide the tools necessary for understanding the national and international economies, as well as policies to overcome poverty and inequality and to build the foundations of a more democratic and free society. The Ensayos de Economía journal is intended for individuals interested in empirical and theoretical studies of economic sciences: economists, students and teachers at both graduate and undergraduate levels, and researchers in all related fields. Likewise, the journal is a forum open to theoretical traditions in economic sciences and to all major cutting-edge debates. In that sense, all contributions are welcome. The journal is a biannual publication (January-June and July-December).