ISSN 0123-3432
printed version

ISSN-E: 2145-566X
electronic version



Scope and policy

Being a publication of language and culture, Íkala welcomes articles from a wide subject range: the culture of modern language speaking peoples, language teaching and learning, translation, bilingualism, linguistics.


Form and preparation of manuscripts

  1. The receipt of articles does not imply their automatic publication. The Editorial Board is responsible for selecting the articles worthy of publication, following the assessment of content quality by internal and external peers of the Universidad de Antioquia.
  2. Articles must be original and not have been published previously. Articles which have been completely or partially published, are in the process of being published, or have been presented to another journal for review will not be accepted, regardless of the language or publication channel used.
  3. Articles should be written preferably in the authors' mother tongue. Íkala publishes articles mostly in Spanish, English, French, and Portuguese, but articles in other languages are also accepted and reviewed.
  4. If the article is the result of a research project, authors must specify the name and code of the project, the institution where the project was carried out, and the funding sources. If it is the result of a thesis, seminar or conference presentation, the name of the institution or the title, venue and date of the event should be specified.
  5. Each article should include its respective abstract of a maximum of 150 words in the language of the article, and in Spanish, English and French. A maximum of five key words should also be included in the same languages. The abstract must be structured and indicate the objective, methods, main results (specific data and statistic significance, if applicable) and conclusions of the work presented. A brief introduction may also be included in the abstract. Optionally, it may include a brief introduction.
  6. Tables and figures should be presented as they are to appear in print. The maximum size is 11 x 14 cm. Photographs and similar figures must be of sufficient quality for reproduction. The first letter of all tables and figures should be capitalized, both in the text and in the figures themselves. All complements to the text must use the terminology Table or Figure.
  7. Articles should not exceed 8000 words, including quotations, references, bibliography and abstract.
  8. The manuscripts must be prepared according to the norms of the A.P.A Publication Manual (American Psychological Association; 5th edition).
  9. The author's name, academic qualifications, occupation and full address, together with the article name and dates of writing and delivery, must be attached on a separate page and not be included in the article.
  10. Articles should be presented in the normal style using the same font size throughout the whole document. Italics and bold font may be included where appropriate. You may not use word division. Use the following format to organize the sections of the text: (main sections) 1, 2, 3, etc., (sub-sections) 1.1, 1.2, etc., (parts of sub-sections) a, b, c, etc. Please avoid using more than three levels of sub-sections.
  11. Authors should only include those footnotes or endnotes which are essential to the text.
  12. Abbreviations will be accepted providing that the complete terms are used when mentioned for the first time. For example, Consejo Nacional de Acreditación (CNA); from here onwards only CNA will be used in the text.
  13. The ''Bibliography'' section should only include the complete list of sources used in the preparation of the article and quoted in the text. They must be arranged in alphabetic order and in accordance with the APA. (American Psychology Association) norms for quotation. Every reference begins with a French indentation, that is, the left margin of the first line is aligned with the rest of the text and the remaining lines are indented five spaces. In the bibliography one complete line or 1.5 line spacing is left between each reference.

Detailed below are the main elements of the most common types of references. The complete description of the style can be found at


Periodic publications
Author, A. A. (year). Article title. Journal title, xx, xxx-xxx.
Ramírez, J. G. (2005). A rationale for a translator-centered, process-oriented methodology for translation quality assessment. Íkala, 10, 129-147.

Non-periodic publications
Author, A. A., Author, B. B and Author, C. C. (2006). Book title. Place of publication (city, country): Editor or publishing house.
Díaz, A. E. and Quiroz, R. E. (2005). Educación, instrucción y desarrollo. Medellín, Colombia: Universidad de Antioquia.

Parts of non-periodic publications (for example, book chapter)
Author, A. A. and Author B. B. (year). Chapter title. In A. editor, B. editor and C. editor (Eds.), Book title (pp. xxx-xxx). Place of publication (city, country): Editor or publishing house.
Mayoral Asensio, R. (2004). Lenguajes de especialidad y traducción especializada. La traducción jurídica. En Gonzalo García C. and García Yebra V., Manual de documentación y terminología para la traducción especializada (pp. 49-71). Madrid, España: Arco/Libros.

On-line periodic publications
Author, A. A., Author B. B., and Author C. C. (year). Article title. Journal title, xx, xxx-xxx. Retrieved month day, year from URL address.
Mayor, B. (2006). Hacia la especialización en los estudios de traducción. Panace@, VII (23), 81-87. Retrieved October 13, 2006 from

On-line documents
Author, A. A., (2006). Document title. Retrieved month day, year from URL address.
Hernández, M. E. (2004). Parque Nacional Avileño. Retrieved August 9, 2006 from

  1. The manuscripts which conform to the submission guidelines of the journal are initially reviewed by the Editorial committee and those deemed unsuitable (beyond the scope of the journal, with serious methodological flaws, etc) are returned to the author(s). The suitable manuscripts undergo a double-blind review process.

    The reviewers provide comments to help the authors strengthen the manuscript. Authors are requested to respond to the reviewers' suggestions and re-submit their manuscript within two or three weeks, so that it can be reviewed again.

    The manuscripts which are acceptable for publication t are then sent to proofreading. Manuscripts will only be published upon approval of the copyeditor.

  2. The authors will have to sign a declaration acknowledging the originality of their text and yielding all printing and copyrights to the editor, although the author may request permission to copy his/her contributions.
  3. All articles published in Ikala have free online access. Any uses and/or copies of Ikala in whole or in part must acknowledge Ikala as the original place of publication with the correct citation details given.
  4. Authors of articles published in Íkala will receive twenty off-prints of their article and each author will also be given a free copy of the (printed) issue in which their work appears.
  5. The Editorial Board reserves the right to refuse manuscripts which do not conform to the aforementioned publishing guidelines.
  6. The Editorial Board refrains from contacting contributors of unselected articles and is not responsible for their return.


Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. The submitted paper has not been published and it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere.
  2. The manuscript is submitted in Microsoft Word or RTF, document file format.
  3. Where available, URL addresses in the text have been provided.
  4. The text is single-spaced; uses 12-point font; uses italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  5. The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, in About the Journal.
  6. If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed


Privacy Statement
The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.


Sending of manuscripts

Manuscripts must be submitted as e-mail attachments to the Editorial office at: They must be submitted in Microsoft Word or RTF document file format. Alternatively, authors may  upload their manuscripts directly by registering as author and following the uploading instructions step by step at

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University of Antioquia

University of Antioquia, School of Languages
Calle 67 53-108, Ciudad Universitaria, Bloque 11, Oficina 11-202
AA.: 1226.
Fax: 2195781. Tel.: 2195787
Medellín, Colombia