ISSN 1692-2530
printed version

ISSN 2248-4078
online version



Scope and policy

The purpose is to release knowledge generated from juridical or social-juridical researches carried out at national and international levels, which should be used to improve interpretation and understanding of legal system with impact on the application of national and international regulations.

Procedure and selection of published articles: Articles should be e-mailed to . Then, the published will check fulfillment of expressed requirements for the article to be sent to the Publishing Committee to appoint an evaluating peer. The publisher shall sent the article to the peer chosen by the Publishing Committee, analyze the peer's concept, and present the article before the Publishing Committee upon recommendation of the decision. The Publishing Committee will bear in mind the peer's and the publisher's concepts to make the following decisions: To publish the article, to return it to the author so amendments can be made or to reject it. Decision made will be notified by the journal's publisher to the author as soon as possible, either by e-mail or telephone.


Form and preparation of manuscripts

Articles should be submitted with the following order:

  • Title and Subtitle, if any. Completed research title should be cited on footnote, as well as the main researcher's name, the author's capacity, institution economically supporting the research, and year completed.
  • Complete name of author(s). Academic studies, position, research group or line of the author, electronic address, and mailing address should be cited on footnote (Mailing address of the author's institution should also be included). Mailing address of the institution is not published. It is for exclusive use of the journal.
  • Abstract of the article (15 lines at the most), key words, and, when possible, translation into English.
  • Introduction. Introduction should include a brief explanation of the methodology used to develop the completed research showing results displayed in the article.
  • Article development.
  • Conclusions.
  • List of references or bibliography.

Articles submitted should comply with the following requirements:

  • Letter-sized paper. Text should be written on the front page only, 1½ space between lines.
  • Word presentation.
  • 12-size Arial letter.
  • Complete article extension should not exceed 27 pages.
For the sake of citing texts and list of references, APA (American Psychology Association) norms should be followed.


Sending of manuscripts

The article should be sent to the journal's publisher in magnetic format with an attached printed copy, as follows: Mauricio Bocanument Arbeláez, e-mail:,

In a different document, it should be sent an abstract of the CV, when not having relations with Universidad de Medellin.

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Universidad de Medellín

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