ISSN 0370-3908
printed version

ISSN 2382-4980
on-line version



Form and preparation of manuscripts

Author guidelines

Research articles: A manuscript documenting the results of at least one experiment/study by following the following structure: introductions, methodology, results, discussion, conclusions, and references. Extra material can be reported as an appendix.

Brief articles: Manuscripts reporting the results of novel experiments/study in a succinct manner and that require prompt diffusion.

Inaugural articles or Review articles: Manuscripts reporting literature reviews on a topic. It is one requirement for the Academics to be admitted to the Academy

Letters to the editor: Manuscripts proposing critical comments, novel analysis or re-interpretations of published work.

Book reviews: Short manuscripts reporting a review of a book recently published within an area of interest to the journal.

Authors correction


Authors should bear in mind the following:

  1. Submitted manuscripts must be original and of outstanding quality. They can be written in Spanish or English in an area related to the Exact, Physical or Natural Sciences. All works accepted will remain permanent property of the Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales so that such work can be published in hard copy or in electronic format, including web posting. (See transference of authors’ rights,
  2. The corresponding author will be required to state that the work is original, has not been published elsewhere, is not under review elsewhere and that co-authors agree as to the version submitted. Equally important, the corresponding author will be asked to state whether copyrights have been passed on to other parties. (See form for declaration of originality, conflicts of interest, and authors’ rights,
  3. It is assumed all listed authors have contributed substantially to the manuscript. Their order in the manuscript should be reached by agreement. Finally, each author’s contribution should be explicitly stated. Collaborators whose contribution was not substantial (see above) should be mentioned in the ‘acknowledgments’ section (see for a reference). Financial supports and grants should also be mentioned in this section.
  4. The terminology used in the manuscript should follow that used in specific areas (we therefore recommend authors to consult specialised references in this regards as to their own fields of research). Scientific names should follow recommendations such as those stated, for example, by the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature and the International Committee on Systematics of Prokaryotes.

The manuscripts should be submitted using the website of the Academy: The manuscript, including the title page, the abstract, tables with titles, graphics with descriptive legends, must be prepared in Microsoft WORD processor in double space. Use Arial font size 12 without justification. Do not forget to number the entire manuscript. Maximum extension 30 pages, 5,000 to 8,000 words.

The manuscripts must contain the following information:

  1. A page in Microsoft Word with the names and surnames (complete name, first and second family name separated by a hyphen) of all the authors (without positions, and without academic degrees), academic affiliations and email addresses.
  2. Complete manuscript title in Spanish and English.
  3. Short Title
  4. Abstract in Spanish and English using 250 or less words 5. Key words in Spanish and English not containing more than 6 words.
  5. Name of the author responsible for all correspondence, including his complete address, telephone number and email address.
  6. Electronic addresses of all the co-authors.
  7. Text, bibliographical references, and tables in the same file together with the legends for all the figures.
  8. Figures must be in jpg or tiff format.

Introduction: there must be a clear description of the theoretical framework of the theme of the investigation, purpose of the article and justification of the study, indicating the limitation of the problem question.

Materials and methods: a description of the object of observation or experimentation, instruments or devices and the methodology employed in the study.

Statistical analysis: indicate the statistical methods used and the data analysis employed.

Results: these must be presented in a logical sequence, with the accompanying tables and figures with their respective explanations and analysis.

Discussion: emphasis must be given to those aspects of the study which are new and important, contrasting the results with the relevant information available in the recent literature and relate the conclusions with the proposed objectives. Mention must be made of the implications and limitations of the results found and a comparison of the relevant observations with that of other studies. The results and the discussion may also be presented in a combined form.

Conclusions: an up to date survey of the investigation. Mention can be made here of future objectives of the same line of investigation.

References: these citations must be verifiable. When a citation is made, indicate in the text the author, the year and page in the following way: last name of the first author and year of publication Pérez (1996). If there are only two authors use both last names Perez and Ribas (1996). If there are more than two authors use only the first last name followed by et al.

The rules of the APA Manual are used by the ACCEFYN journal, they use an author-date citation system.

Reference list: alphabetically and following the examples

Journal article: Last name, A. A., Last name, B. B., Last name, C. C. (Year). Title. Journal name, volume: pp-pp. DOI

Kay, M. A., Glorioso, J. C., Naldini, L. (2001). Viral vectors for gene therapy: the art of turning infectious agents into vehicles of therapeutics. Nat. Med. 7:33-40. DOI: 10.1038/83324

Book: Last name, A. A. (year). Title. City, Country: Publisher

Salisbury, F. B., Ross, C. M. (1994). Fisiología vegetal. Guadalajara, México: Grupo editorial Iberoamérica.

Book chapter: Last name, A. A., Last name, B. B. (Year). Chapter title. In A. A. Last name. (Ed.), Book title (pp. xx-xx). City, Country: Publisher.

Guba, E. G. (1983). Criterios de credibilidad en la investigación naturalista. En: J. Jimeno Sacristán y A. Pérez Gómez (Eds.). La enseñanza: Su teoría y su práctica (pp. 148-165). Madrid, Spain: Akal.

Journal on line: Last name, A. A. (Year). Article title. Journal, volume (issue) pp-pp. Available in http:/ /www...or  DOI

Ríos, M., Sánchez, I. M., Morales, J. (2017). A new giraffid (Mammalia, Ruminantia, Pecora) from the late Miocene of Spain, and the evolution of the sivathere-samothere lineage. PLoS ONE 12(11): e0185378. 10.1371/journal.pone.0185378

References web pages: Last name, A. A. (Year). Title. Publisher. Available in: URL, accesed in date.

Guiry, M.D., Guiry, G.M. (2015). AlgaeBase. World-wide electronic publication, National University of Ireland, Galway. Available in, accesed in June, 2015.

Tables and graphics: The tables and frames are called tables and carry an Arabic numeration in accordance with the order in which they appear. The corresponding title is placed on the upper part of the table and notes are placed in the lower part. Symbols for unit measures must appear in the column headings. If it is necessary to display some information, use lower case letters from the alphabet according to the appearance of the table: a, b, c, d, e, etc.

Photographs, graphics, pictures, or sketches are named figures, are enumerated in order of appearance, and their legends must be written in a separate page. With respect to microfiches, indicate the size of the augmentation used. People or their names should not be identifiable in photographs, unless written permission for their publication has been obtained.

When tables and figures have been taken from magazines or books, published in hard copy or electronically, specify the source and include the authorization for its reproduction from the respective publication.

Acknowledgments: These can be expressed to persons or entities who have aided in the realization of the work. Mention is made of persons and their type of aid provided, as well as to entities or institutions which have provided financial and material assistance. In case of investigative projects with financial support it suffices to mention the registry code and the entity, institution or foundation which provided the economic support.

Errata and malpractice statement

They will be published in the following issue to the announcement of the correction. They are responsibility of the authors. Errata are responsibility of the Journal.

Fabrication of evidence, data omission, duplicity of data or plagiarism will be penalized. The authors and their institutions, research center or university and sponsors will be notified.

Style and final approval

Once the article has been accepted, it will undergo a style and format revision which will bring it to its definitive version. The authors will receive the galley proofs in PDF format for the correction of errors before its printing. The corrected version must be returned for final approval within a period of 48 hours. The manuscript must be accompanied with a letter to the editor informing him of the corrections that were carried out. The editor will inform the author of the date and volume number in which the publication will appear.

Conflict of interest

If the authors or co-authors, the editors or reviewers (evaluators) have some conflict of interest which may in any way influence the transparency and objectivity of the peer review process and publication, it must be so declared.

The most obvious conflicts of interest are those referred to as financial conflicts, which result between, employer-employee, investments, and patents, as well as honoraria, consulting, paid investigation by companies which depend on the investigative results, etc.

There also exist personal conflicts arising from friendships, animosity, academic competencies and passions in the moral or intellectual field (for example relatives in a company which will benefit from the results to be published, the use of the results for immediate promotion based on the published article, religious beliefs which are in direct conflict with the investigation that will be published, etc.).


Submission preparation checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  1. Letter of submission, where it is stated that all authors have read and approved that:

    • The submitted manuscript conforms in content, organization and presentation with established norms.
    • The original article has not been previously published in any form nor has it been submitted to another journal nor will it be until an answer is received from the Editorial Committee.
    • In the case the manuscript is accepted, it is then authorized to be published under the journal´s norms.
    • The document may not be published without authorization of all copyrighted texts and figures.
    • The document is fully cited in a list of references.

  2. Appearance

    • The first page written in Word with names and surnames (complete name, first and second surnames separated by a hyphen) of all authors (without job titles or academic titles), affiliations and e-mail address.
    • Complete title of the manuscript in Spanish and English.
    • Short title.
    • Name of person responsible for correspondence with their complete address, telephone number and electronic address.
    • E-mail of all coauthors.
    • Text, references and tables in the same file together with legends of the figures.
    • Figures in jpg or tiff format.

  3. Structure of the article

    The following sections are to be included:

    • An abstract should be included in both Spanish and English.
    • Key words (no more than 6) should be included in both Spanish and English.
    • Introduction.
    • Materials and methods.
    • Results and Discussion for short communications.
    • Discussion.
    • Acknowledgments to collaborators and institutions and organizations which financed the research.
    • Declaration of conflict of interest.

  4. Additional information:


    • Each figure is included in a separate page in jpg or tiff format
    • Corresponding legends are included in a separate page
    • Figures should be charged in JPG o PNG format


    • Tables are included on a separate page and are presented in a simple manner as a Word table
    • Tables are ordered sequentially

  5. References

      Citations must follow the journal ACCEFYN´s norms found in the authors´ instructions

  6. Abreviations

      The first use is introduced in parentheses

  7. Nomenclature

    • The generic and specific names are written in italics
    • Names of micro-organisms, plants and animals are written out completely the first time that they are cited in the title and in the abstract.

  8. Ethics and malpractice considerations 

    • All authors must know and approve of the form, content, authors, and the order of the authors
    • An article that has been submitted to the journal ACCEFYN has not be submitted or published in any other journal.
    • If the article includes research on human or animals have all authors read and followed the guiding principles of the Declaration of Helsinki and the use of non-human primates in the research?

  9. Reviewers
      List 3 or 4 possible reviewers with their complete names, academic background and e-mails.


Online Submissions

The authors declare:

  1. The published data and reference materials have been duly identified with their respective credits and have been included in the bibliographic notes and citations that have been so identified and that should it be required, I have all releases and permissions from any copyrighted material. 
  2. All material presented is free from any copyright and that I accept full legal responsibility for any legal claims relating to copyrighted intellectual property, fully exonerating from responsibility the Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales.
  3. This work is unpublished and will not be sent to any other journal while waiting for the editorial decision of this journal. I declare that there is no conflict of interest in this manuscript.
  4. In case of publication of this article, all author´s rights are transferred to the Revista de la Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales, and so cannot be reproduced in any form without the express permission of it.
  5. By means of this document, if the article is accepted for publication by the Revista de la Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales, the Revista assumes the right to edit and publish the articles in national and international indices or data bases for academic and scientific use in paper, electronic, CD-ROM, internet form either of the complete text or any other known form known or to be known and non-commercial, respecting the rights of the authors.

Transfer of author rights

  1. In case the article is approved for publication, the main author in representation of himself and his co-authors or the main author and his co-authors must cede the author rights of the corresponding article to the Revista de la Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales, except in the following cases:
  2. The authors and co-authors will retain the right to revise, adapt, prepare derived works, oral presentations, and distribution to some colleagues of reprints of their own published work, if the corresponding credit is given to the Revista de la Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. It is also permissible to publish the title of the work, summary, tables, and figures of the work in the corresponding web sites of the authors or their employers, also giving credit to the Revista.
  3. If the work has been realized under contract, the author’s employer has the right to revise, adapt, prepare derivative works, reproduce, or distribute in hard copy the published work, in a secure manner and for the exclusive use of his employees.
  4. If the Revista de la Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales were approached for permission by a third party for using, printing, or publishing specifically articles already published, the Revista must obtain the express permission of the author and co-authors of the work or of the employer except for use in classrooms, libraries, or reprinted in a collective work. The Revista de la Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales reserves the possible use in its front cover of figures submitted with the manuscripts.
  5. No other right, other than the author’s right, can be claimed by the Revista de la Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales.


Peer review process

Manuscripts that meet the author guidelines are welcomed. Manuscripts will be assessed by the editor in chief and associate editors’ expert in the topic of the manuscript.

 If the editors see fit, the manuscript will be sent to, at least, two peers knowledgeable in the topic of the manuscript. It is estimated the peer reviewing process will take around 90 days.

The reviewers can decide to a) accept the article without any modification, b) accept it if some recommendations are addressed, or c) reject the manuscript. If peers exhibit contradicting assessments, an extra reviewer will be approached to settle disparities and reach a final decision.

The corresponding author will be notified of the results of the peer review process. The author should return an amended version, along with a documenting reporting the response to the reviewers, four weeks after receiving the results of the reviewers.

If the author does not send these documents past the suggested time, the journal will assume the manuscript has been withdrawn. If the author send these documents past the suggested time, the journal takes the manuscript as a new submission and the reviewing process starts anew.

Accepted manuscripts are considered property of the journal. Thus, the journal is free to reproduce an entire manuscript or parts of it.

The journal is not responsible of the contents of the published manuscripts and related legal implications.


Publication ethics and publication malpractice statement

The journal abides by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) standards. These guidelines can be consulted in the following links:

COPE guidelines on good publication practice:

COPE code of conduct: 

See document pdf (annex)


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© 2018 Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales

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CP 111311, Bogotá D.C., Colombia
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