ISSN 0120-0488
printed version



Scope and policy

The Revista Colombiana de Entomología (hereafter Rev. Colomb. Entomol.) is the official scientific publication of the Colombian Society of Entomology (SOCOLEN). The journal is published twice a year and its mission is to publish high quality scientific information of insects and insect related groups in several formats described below. The journal is oriented mainly to researchers and professionals in entomology of universities and both public and private research centers. The journal is open to national and foreign researchers, associate or not to SOCOLEN. Manuscripts submitted for publication may be written in Spanish or English.

Paper adhered to standard journal will be accepted after concepts of national and international academic referees.
The journal is indexed in: Índice Nacional de Publicaciones Seriadas Científicas y Tecnológicas de Colciencias since 2001, SciELO, ISI web of knowledge, SCOPUS, EBSCO, Zoological Record, Ecology Abstracts, Entomology Abstracts, BioOne, Biology Digest, Chemical Abstracts, Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts (ASFA-1), Biological and Living Resources, Academic One file, Informe Académico, TEEAL, Biological Abstracts, Ulrich’s, CAB Internacional and Índice Latinoamericano de Revistas Científicas y Tecnológicas (Latindex).

 Rev. Colomb. Entomol. publishes:

  • Original research papers based on research results from any field of entomology or related areas. Manuscripts should not exceed 25 pages, 1.5 line spaced, including figures, tables and references.
  • Review papers are requested by the Editorial Board. Manuscripts should not exceed 25 pages; line spacing 1.5, including figures, tables and references and a minimum of 100 references. Only one review paper is published per issue.
  • Points of view, where authors expose either theoretical or methodological problems of entomology and propose solutions or perspectives on how to address them.
  • Taxonomic studies, where the results section may be replaced by descriptions, redescriptions or revisions, and the discussion section by notes or comments. Manuscripts should not exceed 25 pages, line spacing 1.5, including figures, tables, and references.
  • New records, not to exceed one page per record, line spacing 1.5, including title, key words, introduction, comments, name and address of the author.
  • Scientific notes, short papers intended to communicate rapidly results or new field or laboratory techniques. Manuscripts should not exceed seven pages, line spacing 1.5, including figures, tables and references. These should be brief, direct and have few references.
  • Book reviews (maximum three pages, line spacing 1.5).

The publication of new records, minor taxonomic papers such as the description of a single species, scientific notes, and book reviews are conditional based on the availability of space in each issue.


Form and preparation of manuscripts

The manuscript submitted for publication in the Rev. Colomb. Entomol. is reviewed in the first instance, by the Editorial Board to determine its relevance and whether it meets the standards of the journal. Those who meet these conditions are sent to evaluate for two skilled professionals, its acceptance depends on the concepts received.

Referees are selected under the following criteria: (i) to have a Ph.D. or equivalent and, (ii) to have published at least three papers in the last two years in indexed (whether ISI or Scopus SciELO) journals. (iii) Exceptionally, a person having not a Ph. D., but a profuse production, can be accepted as a referee.

Manuscripts should be submitted with the highest standards possible, reflecting the scientific and academic standing of the authors. Papers that do not follow the instructions will be returned without evaluation. The speed of manuscript publication will be directly related to the ease of readying it for printing and not with the order it was received. This process takes an average of sixty days.

Rev. Colomb. Entomol. reserves the right to accept or reject the articles and may make suggestions to improve your presentation.

    A. If the paper is accepted without changes, the Editor will request the final version electronically. The author should send the paper as a set of separate files as follows: Text as Word for Windows. Tables in Excel or Word. Figures, indicating the software used.
    B.  If minor changes are required, the editor will send to the author a copy of the evaluation and the text with the comments. A period of no longer than 15 days is requested for return of the corrected version via e-mail in separate files: Text, Tables, Figures.
    C.  If major changes are required, the Editor will send to the author a copy of the evaluations and the document with the comments, requesting that, within a period not exceeding 30 days, complies with the suggested changes, sending the corrected version, highlighting the places where the changes were made.
    D. If reconsidered after a second review, the Editor will ask for a corrected version to be revised by the referees again. In this case the author has 60 days to send the corrected version indicating the places where the changes were made and accompanied by a document which extend their answers. If the author responds after that time frame, the manuscript will be considered new and will start the process of evaluation again.If for any reason the author can not submit the final version or corrected by the deadline, it is recommended to notify the editor to set a new term which may not exceed 30 days.

    E.  If the paper is rejected, the editor will notify the author with a copy of the general comments of the referees without returning the documents.

The paper is accepted once the editor has verified that corrections and suggestions were addressed, and sends the acceptance to the author (s) indicating the volume and number where the paper will appear.

Reprints. Corresponding authors will receive pdf files of their publication. No printed copies are provided.

Structure of the paper and checklist
Please before submit your manuscript check that meets each of the following points:

    1.  The manuscript is on letter size paper with wide margins (2.5 cm on each side).
    2.  It is written in "Times New Roman" 11 pts, with line spacing 1.5. Left justified.
    3.  Have numbered all lines and pages. Number of the pages must be at the right top corner.
    4.  Tables and figures (low resolution) are in the text but in high resolution ready for when required. If a paper version, do not send art or original photographs when submitting the manuscript for publication.
    5.  The document is short and precise, using passive voice (e.g. "the specimens were preserved in alcohol", not "the specimens were preserved in alcohol").
    6.  The title of the manuscript, section titles and subtitles should be written with the first letter capitalized, the rest lowercase and bold.
    7.  Title is short but informative, and does not exceed 15 words. It includes the order and family of the entomological species and suprageneric groups studied.
    8.  The English title is a strict translation of the Spanish title.
    9.  Have short title, not to exceed six words, used as page header.
    10.  Presented in capital letter the author: with full name or stack. If both names are used together with script for to avoid confusion in the citations of the manuscript. Each author carries a 'footnote' which relates the higher academic degree (student, profession, M. Sc, Ph. D. and Post-Doc) institutional affiliation, postal and electronic address. It indicates what is the corresponding author.
    11.  Includes an Abstract, i.e. a single paragraph not exceeding 250 words with a brief and concrete description of the main topics addressed in the paper, major results and conclusions. Do not include references, figures or tables. A review by a native English speaker is highly recommended.
    12.  Provide a maximum five key words, separated by point followed and different than the words used in the title.
    13.  Provide a resumen should be a strict translation of the English to Spanish version. In both cases, a review by a native English or Spanish speaker is highly recommended.
    14.  Were translated to Spanish five keywords and are presented as palabras clave.
    15.  The introduction makes explicit the problem, the relationship of this work with other papers, and the justification. It is appropriate to indicate the objectives and justifies its study.
    16.  In materials and methods presented only information that is necessary for the research to be reproducible. If the methods have been already published, a brief description and the references should be presented. If the method has been modified, these changes should be indicated. When describing statistical methods, indicate: experimental design, number of repetitions, number of insects per repetition and sample size. Specify the place where and the time when research was conducted. If possible, include coordinates.
    17.  The results be limited to the data obtained and be presented in a logical sequence. When the study requires statistical analysis, the text should contain all the data necessary for a clear understanding. The authors should not only present the statistical results, but their interpretation. When results are described that depend on statistical analyses not presented in tables, (i.e. “there was no difference between treatment A and B”), basic parameters of the test should be indicated in parenthesis (i.e.: if ANOVA, state (F = X.XX; df = X.X; P < X.XX). When the information is extensive it should be abbreviated in tables. Data that appear in figures and tables data should not be repeated in the text.
    18.  Discussion or interpretation of the data; it addresses the generalizations and scientific principles being experimentally tested; clarifies exceptions, modifications or contradictions with the hypotheses, theories and principles directly related with the facts; points out the practical or theoretical applications of the results; relates current observations with other relevant studies, and if pertinent, explains why authors got results that differed from other publications. Data mentioned in the results section should not be repeated. Reflects the intellectual capacity of the authors. Results and discussion can go in the same section.
    Sometimes subtitles are desirable to clarify the structure and content of the paper. Write short subtitles and avoid making repetitions with parts of the methodology.
    19.  Conclusions. Avoid presenting this section as a list of the more obvious results. Elaborate on the implications of your results for the theoretical models that explain your problem. This is the final culmination of your work and should present clearly, concisely and logically the contribution that the author makes.
    20.  Acknowledgements: This section is optional. Only contributions that significantly contributed to the paper should be included. The following order is recommended: people (omit professional titles), groups, funding entities with grant number. Avoid being very specific in the acknowledgements for each person. It is recommended to thank the referees who have reviewed the work.
    21.  Literature cited. Ordered alphabetically and chronologically, the list should include only these references that were cited in the text. Last names and initials of first names should be written in capitals. Please avoid citing theses, extension papers, meeting abstracts, or local reports; cite the published papers related to those instead. Verify that the reference and note the punctuation, spacing, names and initials of the authors, journal name, volume, issue and pages. The RCdE follows a variation of the Vancouver citation system. See 'writing style'.
    22.  Tables. These should be numbered in the order that they appear in the text. The title should be concise and self-explanatory of the table's content and should be on the top of the table (Table XX. in bold font. Legend in regular font). Footnotes can be used. Horizontal lines of the main body of the table are recommended but internal horizontal lines should be avoided. No vertical lines are allowed. Explicative text in the table should not duplicate methods section.
    23.  Figures. This includes drawings, maps, graphs, and pictures. These should be cited and numbered in the order they appear in the text. In the inner contents of the figure try using Times New Roman. It is preferable to make compound figures (mosaics) over individual figures. If the citation appears between parenthesis it should be indicated as “(Fig. XX)”, example: In figure 1 or (Fig. 1). Compound figures should be indicated by letters: example: (Fig. 1A) (Fig. 1A-C) etc. The figure legend goes below the figure itself (Figure XX. in bold font, legend in normal font). Abbreviations and symbols used in the figures should be consistent with these used in the text; if new, these should be explained in the legend. Drawings may be sent as originals done in china ink or printed as high quality images; text should be large enough so it is still legible after reduction. Images are preferable as digital files; this option will significantly speed up the editorial process. If printed photographs are sent, make them on glossy and high quality paper.

    The graphs should be in two dimensions, as simple as possible, using grey tones rather than patterns to fill fields (see example below). While multiple color options and screening programs provided by the graphics are attractive, these are complex to print and difficult to read.

    The illustrations submitted for assessment must be low resolution. After acceptance, images should be sent as a 300 dpi TIFF resolution file (this format is available in most imaging programs). Remember that the maximum printed area of the journal is 183 x 235 mm. It is preferable to send figures that are 90 or 160 mm wide to avoid extreme reductions and loss of information. When there are various photos or drawings, it is best to combine them into a mosaic image and indicate each one by letters (1A, 1B, etc).
    White and black figures are preferred. Color pictures are published if the authors cover the additional cost. Contact the editor-in-chief to determine the cost. If figures are taken from another publication, credit should be explicit and a permission letter from the copyright holder must be included.

Both tables and figures should be informative and not duplicate information provided in the text.

Example of figure. Compound figures or mosaics are preferred over individual figures. An inset can be added by the author.

Example of graphs. Note simple figures. No color background or internal horizontal lines. No frame lines on top or right side.

Writing Style

Manuscripts should be written as concise, clear and direct as possible. Sentences should be short and simple. Use passive voice. If you write in English or Spanish, and neither is their mother language, have the document to a colleague fluent in the language appropriate to the case.

Use the International System of Units (SI). By expressing the magnitudes apply the unit symbols, never drive names and use decimals instead of fractions. It should be a space between the number and the symbol and should not add a point after the symbol (except at the end of a sentence). The English decimal separator is a point (.) p. for example 10.3 mm, except in Spanish texts, which are used in comma (,). Use separate thousands: in English with comma (f. ex.: 1,003 insects), in Spanish with point (p. eg.: 1.003 insects).

Symbols of common units (length, mass, time, volume):
Metro (s) = m, Kilometer (s) = km, Centimeter (s) = cm, MM (s) = mm, Gram (s) = g, Kilogram (s) = kg, Second (s) = s, Minute (s) = min, Time (s) = h, liter (s) = L or l, Molar = M, rPM = rpm. Abbreviate meters above sea level as: mals.

    •  Complete numbers from zero to ten are not followed by units, these should be written with letters (one, two, etc.., and not 1, 2, etc.). Examples: three repetitions, eight plots, six species.
    •  When citing dates write day-month (in letters)-year. Example: 12 May 1996.
    •  Acronyms should be explained in full the first time these appear. Example: Integrated Pest Management (IPM).
    •  When Latin words are used, these should be in italics. Example: Ad libitum. A posteriori. Vitro.
    •  Avoid redundancies (eg.: "Found a total of 20 different species", substitute "20 species were found").

Not use


Two mm

2 mm

et al.

et al.

Et. Al ,

et al.

g por cm²




(Fig. 1, Tabla 2)

(Fig. 1; Table 2)

(Box 1)

(Table 1)

(Figure 2)

(Fig. 2)

(Figures 1, 2, 3)

(Figs. 1-3)

(Map 3)

(Fig. 3)

..en la Figure 2

.. en la figure 2

..en la Table 2

.. en la table 2

Adesmus sp.2

Adesmus sp. 2

1M, 1H

1♂, 1♀

5 ° C, 5° C

5 °C

50 %


20 - 35 %


50 - 61 g

60-61 g

580 meters

580 m

Kg, kgs, kg.


Scientific Names Citation

Writing scientific names must adhere to international codes of nomenclature (ICZN, ICBN, etc.). For genus and species are written in italics and following the above code standards. There are several sources on the internet nomenclator zoologicus, itis y zipcodezoo among others that are of high quality to find the full name of your taxon.

Add author, description year, order and family the first time a species o genera is cited in the paper, do not in the title, abstract or abstract. Use the complete name of the genus the first time used, after which it may be abbreviated to the first letter so that there is no confusion. Examples:

    •  First time citation: Tecia solanivora (Povolny, 1930) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae); subsequent citations: T. solanivora.
    •  First time citation: Dermatobia hominis (L., 1781) (Diptera: Oestridae); subsequent citations: D. hominis.
    •  First time citation: Apis mellifera L., 1758 (Hymenoptera: Apidae); subsequent citations: A. mellifera.
    •  First time citation: Apis L., 1758 (Hymenoptera: Apidae); subsequent citations: the genus Apis.

When referring to a specimen by the genus name use the abbreviation sp. Example: Beauveria sp. When referring to a series of species of the same genus use the abbreviation spp. Example: Beauveria spp.

In the description of new species follows to the requirements of international codes of nomenclature. Arthropods in general should include: name of the new species adding n. sp., related figures, holotype (with measures if applicable), paratypes (if there), diagnosis, description, etymology, comments.

How to cite specimens

The list of specimens used in the study should be cited as follows: Species name in italics. Number of specimens studied, (♀ or ♂). COUNTRY. Department (state). Municipality. Locality. Coordinates if available. Elevation. Collection date (day-month by the first three letters-full year). Collector. Acronym of the collection where voucher specimens were deposited (between brackets). Please check official acronym lists such as Arnett et al . 1993 "The Insect and Spider Collections of the World", 2nd edition, (

Example: Gigantodax osornorum. 2 larvae, undetermined sex. COLOMBIA. Cundinamarca, Usme, Páramo de Sumapaz, Quebrada Hoya Honda 4º21'9''N 74º11'02''W 3240 m 16-Feb-1991. Martínez, X. [ICN]. Without spaces between grades, minutes, latitude or longitude.
Campsomeris servillei. 1♀, 2♂♂. COLOMBIA. Valle Vía Cali - Palmira 1000 m 1-sep-1984 Alvarado, M. [UDVC].

References in the text

It uses a variant of Harvard citation system in the text:

- Bustillo (1998), Tróchez and Rodríguez (1989) or López et al. (1989) if the name of the author(s) is part of the sentence.
- (Gutiérrez 1999), (Bustillo and Rodríguez 1999) or (Ramírez et al. 1999) if the name of the author appears at the end.
- (Bueno 1998, 1999) to cite two papers of the same author order references from the oldest to the more recent.
- (Portilla 1998a, 1998b) to cite two papers of the same author, same year.
- (Gutiérrez 1987; Rodríguez 1998; Ramírez 1999) to cite multiple papers, order these according to the year of publication. If two papers of different authors are of the same year, follow alphabetic order.
(Parra, in press). Cite the journal where the paper will be published in the Literature cited section.
(P. Reyes, pers. com.). Is necessary that the author to obtain permission for this citation. It may be noted either as a footnote or in the list of Literature Cited, indicating the date of communication.

Citation of a paper in a journal. This part should include the following parts: Author (s): LAST NAME, FIRST NAME INITIAL(s)., with FIRSTS NAMES INITIALS separated by a point and space. Year. Title. Journal full name. If the journal is poorly known, include country of origin. Volume (write the number). Issue number between parenthesis. Colon and page numbers.

Example: POSADA F., F. J. 1992. Ciclo de vida, consumo foliar y daño en fruto de melón por Diaphania hyalinata (L.) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). Revista Colombiana de Entomología 18 (1): 26-31.

- Reference with more than one author. Authors are separated by a semicolon.
Examples: VALLEJO, L. F.; ORDUZ, S. 1996. Producción de un plaguicida a base de Bacillus thuringiensis, en laboratorio. Revista Colombiana de Entomología 22 (1): 61-67.
ZENNER DE POLANÍA, I.; QUINTERO, J.; QUINTERO, F. 2001. Evaluación de la mezcla de creolina, melaza y ceniza sobre la broca del café, Hypothenemus hampei (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) y algunos de sus enemigos naturales. Revista Colombiana de Entomología 27 (1-2): 55-60.

- Citation of a book: Author. Year. Title. Publisher (editorial or institution responsible for the printing). City of printing. Number of pages.
Examples: PENNAK, R. W. 1978. Fresh-water invertebrates of the United States. John Wiley, New York. 767 p.
GÓMEZ A., A.; RIVERA P., H. 1987. Descripción de malezas en plantaciones de café. Cenicafé, Chinchiná, Colombia . 481 p.

- Citation of a chapter in a multiauthored book: Author. Year. Title of the chapter. Pages of the chapter (p. XX-XX). En: Editor (ed.). Title of the book. Publisher. City. Country. Number of book pages.
Example: MONTOYA-LERMA, J.; FERRO, C. 1999. Flebótomos (Diptera: Psychodidae) de Colombia. p. 211-245. En: Amat, G.; Andrade-C., G.; Fernández, F. (eds.). Insectos de Colombia. Volumen II. Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Colección Jorge Álvarez Lleras. No. 13. Editora Guadalupe Ltda. Bogotá. Colombia. 492 p.

- Internet references. (Harvard model is followed)
AUTHOR/EDITOR. Year. Title. Disponible en: URL [date of revision i.e.: 1 January 2007]
Example: SAMUELSON, A.; EVENHUIS, N.; NISHIDA, G. 2001. Insect and spider collections of the world web site. Disponible en: [Review date: 27 March 2001].

Reference thesis or degree. Author. Year. Title. Profession, or name that corresponds graduate thesis. Degree granting institution. Town. Country. Number of pages. Example: PEÑA, C. 1995. Efecto de poligoidal extraído de corteza del canelo, Drimys winteri Forst., sobre algunos insectos de importancia agrícola. Tesis Ingeniero Agrónomo. Universidad de La Frontera. Temuco, Chile. 86 p.

Note. These instructions were built based on several sources:

- Actualidades Biológicas. Universidad de Antioquia. Departamento de Biología. Medellín. Instructions to authors.
- Caldasia. Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Instituto de Ciencias Naturales. Bogotá. Instructions to authors.
- ESA's Style Guide. 1998.
- Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz. Brasil. Instructions to authors.
- Neotropical Entomology. Instructions to authors.
- Publishing with ESA. 1992. Entomological Society of America .
- Sociedad Colombiana de Entomología. Comité de Publicaciones. 1979. Normas para la publicación de artículos científicos. p. 32-37. En: Guía para la preparación, presentación y calificación de trabajos científicos. Junta Directiva de la Sociedad Colombiana de Entomología Socolen (Ed). Palmira, febrero 1979.

Submitting articles written in English

Authors should ensure that the work submitted in English are reviewed by someone whose native language is the language or have fully demonstrated knowledge in it. In partnership with the Colombian Society of Entomology, Mtd Bioedit <>, English company provides online editing in a quality language, editing documents including bioscience research entomology. This service is particularly suited to the authors who have an experience of rejection from their jobs because of problems with English. The texts edited by Bioedit are easily understood by reference journals and editors. Both grammatical quality as its typography guaranteed. The drafters of Bioedit are people with Ph.D. degrees and M.D. whose mother tongue is English and who have developed successful careers in scientific publishing as editors, critics and researchers in biology and medicine.

    - The texts are reviewed by a maximum of three independent editors, including a specialist editor object the subject and a grammar expert.

    - Advertised price 300 € (euros ) per manuscript whose maximum length is 5,000 words.

    - The authors who submit their work to the ETS have a 10% discount.

    - Quick Writing within 48 hours security and confidentiality.

    - To submit your document Bioedit edition , click here :

The costs and decision to use the service are complete Bioedit Authors competition. Acceptance of manuscripts to the ETS is an independent process of review conducted by Bioedit.


Sending of manuscripts

Papers should be submitted electronically to within the established reception periods, with a letter signed by the authors stating that: (1) all authors agree to submit to the Rev.  Colomb. Entomol., (2) the document is unpublished and is not submitted or being evaluated by another journal, and (3) that there are no conflict of interest. If so, this must be identified. Please attach institutional affiliation and higher academic degree and email addresses of the authors and suggest potential reviewers (ideally that fulfill the criteria given below) indicating name, institutional affiliation, email address and physical address them.

Manuscripts for review should be sent in Word (not created in Windows Vista) with figures and tables inserted. At this stage, the figures should be low resolution so that the load of the entire file does not exceed 800 kb. Please note that figures and tables in high resolution should be sent only when the manuscript has been accepted and must follow the given specifications.

The specific periods for the reception of manuscripts for 2017 as follows:

First call: begins February 15th and closes March 30th of 2017.
Second call: begins August 15th and closes September 30th of 2017.

Every paper will receive a code that authors should use to maintain for correspondence with the editorial board. All papers must conform to the instructions. A recent issue of the journal should be consulted in order to conform to style.

[Home] [Editorial Board] [Instructions to Authors] [Subscription]

Creative Commons License All the contents of this journal, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License

© 2007 Sociedad Colombiana de Entomología

Transversal 24 No. 54 31 of 405,
Edificio Volterra,
Bogotá, Colombia.
Apartado Aéreo 11366,
Tel.: 57 1 3472320. Fax: 2126209.