ISSN 0120-6346
printed version

ISSN 2248-4345
online version



Scope and policy

The strategies defined by the following guidelines of the magazine are:

Article Selection Procedure. The process for the selection of articles is the following:

1. Review that the requirements established in the recommendations made to the authors are being fulfilled.
2. In case these requirements are not being fulfilled, the article is sent back to the author so he/she might do the respective corrections.
3. Once the article meets the requirements it is sent to the Editorial Committee for the naming of an evaluating pair.
4. The evaluator is responsible for ensuring the thematic quality and will issue his/her concept on the possibility on publishing the article.
5. The Editorial Team of the magazine evaluates the editorial quality of the article at the same time step 4 is happening.
6. The Editor will be responsible for presenting to the Editorial Committee the concept of the editorial team and the evaluator, with which the Committee determines whether the article is published or not.
7. The article is sent back to the author, in order to make the proposed modifications or adjustments made by the Editorial Team and by the evaluator, or the article is definitely rejected.

Double Anonymous Evaluation. All articles submitted to the magazine will be evaluated anonymously by expert judges on the subject, which are assigned the following way so that the author nor the evaluating pair know who the other party is. The decision on the publication of these articles will be subject to the results of the evaluations. The Editorial Committee shall inform in due time the evaluation results to the authors.

Publication and Broadcasting Rights. Those who publish articles in the Semestre Economico magazine of the University of Medellin grant their economic rights to the institution, therefore, authorize the University of Medellin to publish their work by any printed or electronic mean, including Internet, which they consider appropriate. Also, the article should be accompanied by unprecedented immutability; it is of his own work and has not been proposed for publication in any other medium.

In case of fraud. In those cases where it is possible to prove that the author/s gave to the Semestre Economico magazine articles that reproduce parts of prior works, which have been published, and do not count with the proper quotes, will immediately be informed to the institution or institutions which the author or authors are affiliated to, and a note will be published on the web site of the magazine informing of the fraud. In those cases where the evidence of fraud is found after the publication of the article, the procedure will be the same, the article will be taken off from those spaces possible.

The reproduction of the articles published in the magazine. The article reproduction rights printed in the magazine are property of Semestre Economico magazine. These documents may be freely reproduced for academic purposes, with the exception of obtaining an economic profit and each copy must include the bibliographic reference of Semestre Economico. Reproduction of the magazine for any other purpose, or placement in any web site requires prior permission of the editor.


Method and Preparation of Texts

Persons interested in presenting their articles to be published in the journal, should follow the following recommendations:

1. The document should comply with the following specifications:

• Arial 12 letter, 1.5 spaces between lines
• All pages should bear a number in the right lower side
• Articles should never exceed 10.000 words

2. All articles should include the following information: Title, author’s or authors’ name, abstract, key words (six as a maximum), JEL classification, and content with the following structure: introduction, development, conclusions, and bibliography.

3. Article title should include a footnote indicating or explaining the article´s origin (reasons and type of article; reflection, debate, bibliographic revision or research). When the article is a research, the following information should be included as a footnote:

• Research group and COLCIENCIAS classification (when classified in Colombia).
• Name of the research project from which the article was extracted
• Entity(ies) economically supporting the project
• Execution period

4. A footnote should be added for each author, indicating the following information:

• Undergraduate degrees and institution, city, and country
• Graduate degrees and institution, city, and country
• Position and institution, city, and country
• Participation in research group
• Postal address and telephone
• Institutional e-mail

5. The article abstract should not exceed 140 words and the use of the following structure is suggested:

• Article objective: Purpose of the author with this work.
• Method: Method used for reaching the proposed objective.
• Main results or conclusion.

6. All the articles should include key words (six as a maximum). Key words should be chosen with the purpose of assuring article appearance on search engines and databases. Key words are used by libraries and on journal indexes for classifying articles. In this way, people searching for specific topics can have access to the article.

7. Key words should be classified according to Journal of Economic Literature classification system codes, commonly known as “JEL Codes.” Such codes can be accesses at:

8. The content that is added to the article after de JEL classification, must not contain subtitles, only main titles including introduction, conclusions and bibliography should be included. This content must be organized in a continuous paragraph as it is shown in the following example: Introcuction; 1. What is an industry?; 2. Industry´s Environment; 3. The era of knowledge...; Bibliography

9. Footnotes should be written with Times New Roman 10 letter, single space, justified, and aligned on the right side, and having indentation in such a way that text is aligned on the right side of the number and not under the number. Besides, when a page includes more than two footnotes, they should be separated by a space.

10. Footnotes should be used for definitions, clarifications of concepts or referring the reading to other works or authors who tackle more deeply the topic which the author, by any reason, cannot develop in the text but he/she considers it can be of interest for the reader. Footnotes should not be used for quoting works which are used as a supporting material for preparing the article.

11. The author is totally liable for statistical information established in tables or graphs. Tables and graphs should hold a number and totally referred in the text. Besides, lower part of them should include information sources. When they are prepared by tables, graphs or charts should be written in lowercase letter and not centered.

12. Quotes made in a text can be either direct or indirect. Direct quotes are those in which author’s concepts or opinions are taken textually, Indirect quotes are those in which author’s ideas are mentioned with own words of the article’s author. For introducing one of these kinds of quotes, the author should be paraphrased; for example: “in this regard, Velez (2005, p. 18) states …”

13. Whichever kind of quotes and footnotes used in the document should use the following moel: FIRST LAST NAME OF THE AUTHOR (YEAR, PAGE). For such purpose, the following recommendations should be followed:

• To use only the author´s first last name
• To use “p.” for indicating pages
• When there are more than three authors in the same work, “et. al.” should be used. For example: Vélez et. al. (2002, p. 18).
• Year and page appearing within parenthesis should be separated by a comma as follows: Vélez (2001, p. 107).
• Page number should be placed when quotes are direct; when quotes are indirect, numbers are not necessary.

14. When direct quotes do not exceed five lines (short quote), the following recommendations should be taken into account:

• Quote is placed in the same paragraph
• Quote should be put in quotation marks and italics
• Space between lines should be 1.5
• 12 size letter

15. When direct quotes exceed five lines (long quotes) the following recommendations should be taken into account:

• Quote should be placed in a different paragraph
• Paragraph(s) should be centered on both sides of the page; that is, wider margins should be used on both sides of the page.
• Space between lines should be single
• Letter size should be 10
• Quote should be put in quotations marks

16. Literature references at the end of the text should be written as follows:

• Journals: Author’s last names, given names, (year), title of the article, journal’s name, volume (Vol.) and number (No), period, page numbering of the whole text.
• Books: Author’s last names, given names, (year), title of the book, city of editing, editorial, number of pages of the book.


Sending of manuscripts

Please send a printed copy of the article in letter-size pages to the following address: Universidad de Medellín, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Administrativas, Bloque 6, oficina 107, Apartado Aéreo 1983, Medellín, Colombia. Likewise, the author should send the article to one of the following e-mails: o


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Universidad de Medellín

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Bloque 20, segundo piso
Apartado Aéreo 1983
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