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Revista republicana

Print version ISSN 1909-4450On-line version ISSN 2256-5027


LONDONO-TORO, Beatriz  and  TORRES-VILLARREAL, María Lucía. Challenges of clinical legal education as a pedagogical model in Latin America: analysis of the experience of the public actions group of the Universidad del Rosario (1999-2017). Rev. repub. [online]. 2018, n.25, pp.43-67. ISSN 1909-4450.

This article analyzes clinical legal education as a pedagogical model that in Latin America and especially in Colombia, gathers the contributions of the North American model, enriching them with work in defense of human rights. This proposal promotes the «learn to learn» scenarios, differs from classical law teaching and generates new standards of legal training in the 21st century.

The methodology used shows how legal clinics impact the student's training and the work of the teacher, in a joint work and a permanent reinvention of the teaching-learning process. The study counted on the participation of members and supervisors from different periods of the Legal Clinic "Public Actions Group" of the University of Rosario, examining the evolution of the pedagogical model, the impact and the representation that it has in the graduates.

Keywords : Legal Education; Social Justice; Learning Experience; Competency Development; Theory-practice relationship.

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