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Print version ISSN 0121-7550


PEREZ-BUSTOS, Tania. My Time is No Longer Mine: Embodied: Reflections on Scienciometry. Nómadas [online]. 2019, n.50, pp.35-43. ISSN 0121-7550.

This article reflects on the standards of measurement that regulate scientific knowledge production and their consequences on the subjects. The author makes emphasis on the velocity promoted in the field and how it fosters emotions of loneliness and insecurity in researchers. The document also presents arguments that have emerged on slowing science down and making it a space of generosity and care that promotes a more solidary scientific ethos. The author uses previous ethnographic reflections to question the temporalities of science in order to present her arguments.

Keywords : Scientific Field; Audit Culture; Social Acceleration; Care in Technoscience; Politics of Knowledge; Listening.

        · abstract in Spanish | Portuguese     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )