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Anuario Colombiano de Historia Social y de la Cultura

Print version ISSN 0120-2456


TEIXEIRA WEBER, BEATRIZ  and  SABBILINS, DALVAN ALBERTO. Relations between Spiritism and Medicine in Modern Rio Grande do Sul: Apometry. Anu. colomb. hist. soc. cult. [online]. 2018, vol.45, n.1, pp.245-266. ISSN 0120-2456.

Many investigations have addressed the new perspectives of the history of medicine in the last few years, accounting for the integration of subjects that only now emerge as speakers, doctors, healers, and adepts of religious activities. This article discusses the historical experience of an espírita group led by Dr. José Lacerda de Azevedo, involved in the development of a healing technique in the Hospital Espírita de Porto Alegre (HEPA), Brazil, between 1964 and 1986. The group was associated to an espírita perspective in the treatment of illnesses. The technique, called apometry, is characterized by being a system that aims to reconcile the principles of various religions through a scientific approach. The case of apometry evidences the existence of an extended network of social and institutional relations based on the promotion of alternate spaces of healing.

Keywords : (Author) apometry; healing; spiritism; (Thesaurus) Brazil; medicine; religion.

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