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Revista Colombiana de Educación
Print version ISSN 0120-3916
DOMINGUEZ VASELLI, Pablo. German W. Rama' Career. The Second Uruguay Education Reformer. Rev. colomb. educ. [online]. 2011, n.61, pp.89-115. ISSN 0120-3916.
At the end of the 19th century, José Pedro Varela carried out the first great reform of the Uruguay educational system. After a motionless century, Germán W. Rama decided to carry out the second educational reform in Uruguay' history at the end of the 20th century. Rama, an immigrant' son, would be welcomed by a universalistic educational system enforced in Batlle' Uruguay and undertake an outstanding career. Starting off his Galician parents' shop, he would be at the High School of Paris and became the top Latin American education expert of his time. He would stand out because of his endeavors in Cepal, strengthening the Colombian education system and in many others countries. However, success could not make him forget the educational system that trained him. He would come back to Uruguay and make the only Latin American reform in 90', which not only backed up public education -in spite of privatization tendency of that time- but expanded it as never before while applied the current highest technical standards to Uruguay education policies. His character and reform would be controversial, just as any momentum faces friction: this story tells sides, as much as we could reconstruct from interviews of those who knew it by themselves.
Keywords : Equidad; educación pública; reforma educativa; América Latina; trayectoria profesional; Equality; public education; educational reform; Latin America; career; Equidade; educação pública; reforma educativa; America Latina; Carreira.