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Signo y Pensamiento
Print version ISSN 0120-4823
PEREZ-LOPEZ, Isaac and RIVERA-GARCIA, Enrique. Developing Teachers, Developing People: Analysis of the Lessons Learnt by University Students from a Gamification Experience. Signo pensam. [online]. 2017, vol.36, n.70, pp.112-129. ISSN 0120-4823.
The concept of gamification has become ingrained as a component of the revitalization of business groups. However, it is not ingrained as much in the education field as a teaching methodology. This research evaluates the training of teachers that occurs in a gamification experience, based on the students' perceptions of a role play. Sixty nine students coursing fourth semester of a Bachelor's Degree in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences took part of the study. The analysis of the information was made using qualitative methodologies supported by the NVivo10 software. The research notes that students are very satisfied with their learning and especially value the improvement of their skills related to knowing how to be individual and social people. We also highlight the importance they give to the game as a motivating factor for learning and the high transfer of what they learnt to their future professional practices.
Keywords : tertiary education; gamification; motivation; qualitative research.