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Estudios de Filosofía

Print version ISSN 0121-3628


ARDILA DE GUTIERREZ, Emma Lucía. POÉTICA DE LA OBRA DE JOSÉ MANUEL ARANGO. Estud.filos [online]. 2006, n.33, pp.143-159. ISSN 0121-3628.

This paper has as its starting point the poetry of José Manuel Arango. Given the Philosophical education of the poet, there is a search in his Works of a reflection on the fundamental questions regarding the Human Being, questions to which Philosophy has tried to provide an answer since Antiquity; such as, what are the ideas of Man, World, and existence that one can find in his poetry. This is done in order  to build a bridge between Philosophy and Literature. Derived from Literature, and no less important, is an aesthetical reflection that lies there: his concept of Art, Artist, and particualrly Poetry. And both questions tended to a common goal: finding the possibility of truth in his works.

Keywords : José Manuel Arango; Philosophy; Poetry; Art; Artist; Truth.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )


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