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Estudios de Filosofía

Print version ISSN 0121-3628


MALDONADO ORTEGA, Rubén Darío. LA COLERA DE MEURSAULT: Sobre el problema del reconocimiento en El Extranjero de Camus. Estud.filos [online]. 2006, n.33, pp.181-199. ISSN 0121-3628.

Summary. Here the itinerary of the way in which Albert Camus, making use of the Analytic of the Absurd, faces the problem of Human Liberty in an open confrontation with the Rationalist Ontological Tradition, for which he uses the Literary Recourse as a ludico-didactical mode of expression, particularly in the episode that tells of Mersault‘s anger at the end of his novel The Stranger. In the development of the said itinerary, the paper will show the correspondences between the ideas that are formulated in The Myth of Sysiphus -where the Condition pertaining to Man is established in terms of a Display of the Drama of his Absurdity, and the work of turning those ideas into suggestive images for his own recreation and his better understanding, due to his recourse to the Literary. Then the closeness between The Stranger and The Myth of Sysiphus will have to be closely studied and in relation to the formulation of a Theory of Man that creates and becomes the base for a Theory of Rebellion, expressed as Fidelity to the Absurd. It all tends to show the concordance between the fact that the Philosophical Intuitions of Camus were expressed in Literary Form, with his thought that the Absurd Man is a Creator par excellence.

Keywords : Absurd; Rebellion; Indifference; Innocence; Liberty; Recognizance.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )


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