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Boletín de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras - INVEMAR
versión impresa ISSN 0122-9761
BELTRAN-LEON, Beatriz Susana y RIOS-HERRERA, Raúl. First record, distribution and ecology of Diplophos proximus (Gonostomatidae, Teleostei) in the Colombian Pacific. Bol. Invest. Mar. Cost. [online]. 2018, vol.47, n.2, pp.83-96. ISSN 0122-9761.
The first findings and distribution of larvae of the species Diplophos proximus, family Gonostomatidae, in the Pacific of Colombia are presented. The analyzes show larvae between Bahía Málaga and Tumaco (limits with Ecuador), with low abundances during the seasons of September 2003 and 2005, July and December 2010, December 2013, February-March 2014, June 2016 and June and September 2017, always collected at stations located more than 113 km away from the coast and around Malpelo island. The larvae are elongated and have noticeable changes during development, initially oval eyes, poorly pigmented body without photophores and finally rounded eyes, dorsal pigments and photophores during transformation. The present work contributes with information about distribution and ecology of larvae of D. proximus becoming the first records of catches for the Colombian Pacific, including the description of the larval stages found.
Palabras clave : Ichthyoplankton; Gonostomatidae; Deep sea; Colombian Pacific.