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Print version ISSN 0123-4870
SUAREZ, Mariana Libertad. Carmen Vicenti facing the foundation of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. Folios [online]. 2008, n.27, pp.111-120. ISSN 0123-4870.
The Nineties, in Venezuela , were synonymous of a generalized crisis of the political and economic systems that was translated in the proliferation of media and literary representations with openly apocalyptic dyes. Parallel, from year 1998, with the victory in the presidential elections of the military leader of rebel attempts of year 1992, Hugo Chávez, it appeared on a par from this devastating vision of the Republic, a discursive current much more unrealistic that reached to social mass media, as well as to Literature. More than of a dialogue, it could be spoken of a symbolic fight that was carried out in the academic spaces as in the production of cultural objects, and that looked for to construct and/or to knock down the structured political speech from the spaces of the authority. As it frequently happens, before these totalitarian expressions, in the margins of the two great confronted lines of thought, they emerged a series of alternative expressions that claimed the right to be in society of an ample range of subjectivities excluded from the two faced projects of nation. Indeed, in this frame the novel La noche oscura del alma (2002) of Carmen Vicenti is inscribed, text that besides of acting as a luck of glosses to the canonical writings around the foundation of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela , also serves like an inscription device of the intellectual woman in the Venezuelan cultural field of century XXI.
Keywords : Selfwriting; intellectual woman; Venezuelan literature; century XXI.