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Revista de Estudios Sociales

Print version ISSN 0123-885X


RAMIREZ, Carlos A. "Everyone's a Genius": Carl Schmitt's Critique of the Aestheticization of Political Action. rev.estud.soc. [online]. 2009, n.34, pp.59-71. ISSN 0123-885X.

In Political Romanticism, a work from 1919, Carl Schmitt interprets German romanticism as a "metaphysic" in which aesthetic concepts become the guiding concepts of all human activity. On this basis, he analyses and criticizes the effects of the expansion of aesthetic concerns on political action. This essay reconstructs Schmitt's argument as a conceptual-historical genealogy of a modern discursive formation from which, as a by-product, a form of subjectivity now present in advanced capitalist societies was constituted. By contrasting Schmitt's concept of the political in Political Romanticism with various works of contemporary sociology (Boltanski, Lipovetsky, Schulze), the article concludes by pointing out the political phenomena that are linked to the diffusion of this type of subjectivity.

Keywords : Schmitt; Aestheticization; Action; Politics; Subjectivity.

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