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Print version ISSN 0366-5232On-line version ISSN 2357-3759
VASQUEZ-RAMOS, JESÚS MANUEL; RAMIREZ-DIAZ, FERNANDO; REINOSO-FLOREZ, GLADYS and GUEVARA-CARDONA, GIOVANY. Spatial and temporal distribution of the immature caddisflies in the Totare River basin (Tolima-Colombia). Caldasia [online]. 2010, vol.32, n.1, pp.129-148. ISSN 0366-5232.
Between February and May 2007, the trichopteran fauna of the Totare River basin (Tolima) was studied. Twenty-seven stations were established between 244 and 2397 meters a.s.l. A total of 3593 specimens belonging to 11 families and 26 genera were collected. The family Xiphocentronidae (Xiphocentron) and the following genera are reported for the first time to the area: Neotrichia and Zumatrichia (Hydroptilidae), Mexitrichia (Glossosomatidae) and Banyallarga (Calamoceratidae). The most abundant family was Hydropsychidae (44.92%). Xiphocentronidae (0.14%) was the least abundant family. The most abundant genera were Smicridea (25.27%) and Hydroptila (23.88%) and the less abundant Mexitrichia (0.03%), Triplectides (0.03%), Atanatolica (0.03%) and Triaenodes (0.03%). The stations Totare River (623m), El Papayal (1827 m), Las Mellizas (2154m), and La Rica (2177 m) streams, showed the highest abundance of organisms (collectively 59% of the total).
Keywords : Caddisflies; distribution; bioecological aspects; Andes.