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Print version ISSN 1692-8857On-line version ISSN 2011-7477


JULIAO-VARGAS, Carlos Germán. Utopia and Dystopia: between Fiction and Reality since Schopenhauer’s Impact on Zola. Eidos [online]. 2024, n.42, pp.42-72.  Epub June 28, 2024. ISSN 1692-8857.

This reflective article, after situating, etymologically and historically, the concepts of utopia and dystopia, takes a brief look at Schopenhauer's pessimistic doctrine, to then show how Émile Zola articulates and deploys it in a dystopia, in certain excerpts from The Joy of Living. It is concluded, through several questions, how Zola fictionalizes, in the figure of his character, Pauline, a small island of happiness within a huge pessimistic, disturbing, and malevolent ocean: utopia and dystopia emerge intertwined in a fiction that, historically, and politicizing the issue, shows how the philosophical appears in fictional fiction when it has been placed there on purpose.

Keywords : Utopia; dystopia; Schopenhauer; Zola; fiction; pessimism.

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