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Revista Colombiana de Matemáticas

Print version ISSN 0034-7426

Rev.colomb.mat. vol.51 no.1 Bogotá Jan./June 2017 

Originals articles

On non-abelian representations of Baumslag-Solitar groups

Representaciones no Abelianas de los Grupos de Baumslag-Solitar

José Gregorio Rodríguez-Nieto1 

1 Escuela de Matemáticas, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Calle 59 a n 63-20, Medellín, Colombia. e-mail:


The goal of this paper is to study the set of non-abelian representations (nab-rep) of the Baumslag-Solitar groups,

with n,m non zero integers, into SL(2, ).

We use such information in order to show, which it is well known, that for |m| > 1, BS(1, m) is a linear group. Moreover, we prove that its representation image into the Möbius transformations is an elementary and non discrete subgroup.

Key words and phrases: Representations of Baumslag-Solitar groups; Baumslagsolitar groups; Parabolic represeOriginals articlessntations; Elliptic representations; Affine varieties; Affine algebraic sets


El proposito de este artículo es estudiar el conjunto de las representaciones no abelianas (nab-rep) de los grupos de Baumslag-Solitar,

donde n, m son enteros distintos de cero, en SL(2,).

Usamos tal información para verificar, que ya es bien sabido, que BS(1, m) es un grupo lineal, para |m| > 1. Mas aun, probamos que su representacion en las transformaciones de Möbius es un subgrupo elemental y no es discreto Möbius.

Palabras y frases clave: Representationes de los grupos de Baumslag-Solitar; Grupos de Baumslag-Solitar; Representaciones parabolicas; Representaciones elipticas; Variedades afines; Conjuntos algebraicos afines

1. Introduction

Baumslag-Solitar groups constitute an important family of examples or counterexamples in the theory of combinatorial groups, see [2], [7], [5] and [4]. These groups were first introduced by G. Baumslag and D. Solitar in [2] in order to get non-Hopfian one-relator group presentations and they are given by the following short presentation

where m and n are non zero integer numbers.

Although the principal focus of the study of non-abelian representations has been on the family of classical knot groups, in particular on the collection of 2-bridge classical knot groups, we want to start a classification of the PSL(2, ) non abelian representations on the family of Baumslag-Solitar groups. Recently, in a joint work with O. Salazar and J. Mira, see [8], we proved that BS(n, n +1) are the only Baumslag-Solitar groups that correspond to groups of 2-bridge non-classical virtual knots. From this we consider that the study of some properties of the Baumslag-Solitar groups becomes an important aim, in particular the classification of their non-abelian representations into the group PSL(2, ). It is well known that there exists an isomorphism between the orientation preserving isometries of and PSL(2, ).

In this paper we present a collection of algebraic varieties that encode information about the set of equivalence classes of non-abelian representations of BS(n, m). The definition of these algebraic varieties uses a classification of the conjugacy classes of elements of the Möbius group via diagonal matrices and Jordan forms which is not the standard classification of elements of the Möbius group given in [3]. It is worth noting that for |m| > 1, BS(1,m) is a linear group. It would seem that this result forms part of the folklore in the scope of Baumslag-Solitar group theory. As a consequence, there is no article in the literature which contains a formal proof of such fact. However, we can get one from mathoverflow. From the results displayed in this paper and some restrictions given in [7] and [1] about the residually finiteness of the Baumslag-Solitar groups, we prove that BS(n, m) only admits a faithful representation into SL(2, ) when n = 1 and |m| > 1. This result overlaps with what was mentioned in the previous paragraph, but we propose a different method that might be of interest for those working in Kleinian and Fuchsian groups. Moreover, if rm denotes the image of BS(1,m), for |m| > 1, into PSL(2, ), then we show that Tm is an elementary and non-discrete subgroup of Möbius transformations.

This paper is organized as follows. In section 2 we give a short list of preliminaries concerning Möbius transformations. We also recall the definition of SL(2, )-representations, residually finite groups and linear groups. Then, in Section 3 we show the existence of non-abelian representations of the Baumslag-Solitar groups and provide a classification of them into two families, pseudo-parabolic and pseudo-elliptic representations. We give functions of certain algebraic affine varieties into each of them. Finally, in Section 4 we show that BS(1, m) is a linear group, for |m| > 1. Moreover, we prove that its representation image in the Möbius transformations group is an elementary and non discrete subgroup.

2. Notation and preliminary results

In this section we introduce a short list of definitions, notations and some results necessary to understand this article.

2.1. Möbius transformations

The set of Möbius transformations, with a,b,c,d Є and ad ≠ bc = 0, acting on, is denoted by . This set has some additional structure; it is a group under composition of transformations. Besides, the homomorphism, where

has kernel {±I}, and it provides a natural identification between and PSL(2, ).

We use tr(A) and At to denote the trace and the transpose of a matrix A.

The following definition come from the correspondence between SL(2, ) and the group of Möbius transformations PSL(2, ).

Definition 2.1. [3] Let A (A ≠ I) be a matrix in SL(2, ), then A is a parabolic matrix if and only if tr2(A) =4, A is an elliptic matrix if and only if tr2(A) Є [0,4), A is a hyperbolic matrix if and only if tr2(A) Є (4, +∞), and A is a strictly loxodromic matrix if and only of tr2(A) .

The following notation will be useful in order to simplify the proof and certain definitions given in the rest of this paper.

Notation 1. For and p Є,

We say that A Є SL(2, ) is a scalar matrix if A = D(δ), with δ2 = 1, and I = D(1).

The purpose of the next theorem is to classify the conjugacy classes of the matrices in SL(2, ). This classification involves diagonal matrices and matrices in Jordan form. Another classification using the theory of fixed points of Moobius transformations is given in [3].

Theorem 2.2. Every non scalar matrix A in SL(2, ) is a conjugate of one of the following matrices: D(1, 1), D(1, -1) or D(6).

Moreover, if A is taken in PSL(2, ), then it is conjugate to D(1, 1) or D(δ).

Proof. Let A Є SL(2, ) be a non scalar matrix with characteristic polynomial and consider the following cases.

Case 1: If , then, because A is not a scalar matrix, its minimal polynomial must be equal to , hence, from the canonical Jordan form, the matrix A is a conjugate of some matrix of the form D(1 , δ ), where δ2 = 1.

Case 2 If , then A is a diagonalizable matrix, therefore the matrix A is a conjugate of some matrix of the form D(δ), where δ2 =1

For the last part, note that, in PSL(2, ), D(1 , - 1) = D( -1 , 1). Because D(1, i)D(1,1)D-1, = D( -1,1), then D(1, -1) and D(1,1) are in the same conjugacy class.

Let A Є SL(2, ), we define the norm of A, denoted ||A||, as

The topology on SL(2, ) induced by this norm is denoted by.

The homomorphism Π induces the quotient topology on with respect to which Π is continuous. Besides, has the topology of uniform convergence with respect to the chordal metric on These topologies are the same. (see [3].

Definition 2.3. A subgroup G of SL(2, ) is discrete if and only if the relative topology on G is the discrete topology.

The proof of the following lemma can be found in [3].

Lemma 2.4. A subgroup G of SL(2, ) is discrete if and only if for each positive k, the set is finite.

Definition 2.5. A subgroup G of is said to be elementary if and only if any two elements of infinite order have a common fixed point.

A subgroup G of acts discontinuously on a G-invariant disc Δ (or on the half-plane), if for every compact except for a finite number of g Є G.

Definition 2.6. A non-elementary subgroup G of is a Kleinian group if it is discrete. If, moreover, G has a G-invariant disc Δ on which G acts discontinuously, we say that G is a Fuchsian group.

The proof of the following theorem can be found in [3].

Theorem 2.7. Let withand not of order two. Let θ : , where . If for some n, = f, then (f, g) is elementary.

Therefore, any elementary Fuchsian group is either cyclic or it is conjugate to some group (f, g), where g(z) = kz (k > 1) and f (z) = -1/z.

2.2. SL(2, C )-representations of Baumslag-Solitar groups

In this section we will give some background material concerning the representation and character of the Baumslag-Solitar groups.

A representation of BS(n, m) into SL(2, ) is understood as a homomor-phism p : . The set of all representations is denoted by R(BS(n, m)). It is not hard to verify that R (BS(n, m)) can be endowed with the structure of an affine algebraic set.

Recall that two representations p and p' are equivalent (conjugate), denoted , if there exists such that for every g .

An immediate consequence of the definition above is, two representations p and p' of BS(n, m) are equivalent if and only if there exists such that and.

The character of a representation p is the function defined by. Since, equivalent representations have the same character, the map

where induce a well-defined function.

Definition 2.8. Let . Then p is called irreducible if the only subspaces of which are invariant under p(BS(n, m)) are {0} and . In other case, we say that p is reducible.

From the previous definition, a representation p Є R(BS(n, m)) is reducible if and only if all p(g), with g Є BS(n, m), have a common one-dimensional eigenspace. Therefore, a representation p Є R(BS(n, m)) is reducible if and only if p(x) and p(y) have a common eigenvector.

The proof of the following theorem can be found in [9].

Theorem 2.9. Let p Є R(BS(n, m)), then p is reducible if and only if = 2, for each element c of the commutator subgroup of BS(n, m).

In this case, if denotes the image of p, then every element of the commutator subgroup ofis parabolic.

A representation p is abelian if its image is an abelian subgroup of SL(2, ), and nonabelian otherwise. We denote the set of nonabelian representations of BS(n, m) by nab-rep(BS(n, m)).

Definition 2.10. Let p Є R(BS(n,m)). Then p is called parabolic if p(y) is conjugate to D(1,1) or D(1,-1). Besides, if p(y) is conjugate to D(δ), then p is elliptic, hyperbolic or strictly loxodromic depending of the subset of C containing.

A representation is said to be faithful if the kernel of p is trivial.

We recall the definition of residually finite groups.

Definition 2.11. A group G is called residually finite if for every g and h in G there exist a finite group F and a homomorphism y : such that.

The following theorem gives us a complete classification of the Baumslag-Solitar groups in terms of the previous definition. Its proof can be found in [7].

Theorem 2.12. The group BS(m,n) is residually finite if and only if |m| = |n| or |m| = 1 or | n| = 1 .

Definition 2.13. A group G is said to be a linear group if there exists a faithful representation

The proof of the next theorem can be found in [6].

Theorem 2.14. Let R be a field, and let M be a finite set of n by n matrices with elements in R and with non-vanishing determinant. Then the set of matrices in M generate a residually finite group.

Corollary 2.15. Linear groups are residually finite.

Therefore, BS(n, m) does not have faithful representations if |m| ≠ |n| and |m| ≠ 1 and |n| ≠ 1.

3. Non-abelian representations of BS(n, m)

In this section we will construct a collection of algebraic varieties that encode information about the set of equivalence classes of non-abelian representations of BS(n, m).

For an ideal J of, we denote by (J) the algebraic variety.

3.1. The case BS(n, n)

Let us start this section with the following theorem.

Theorem 3.1. Let A Є SL(2, ) be a non scalar matrix and λ = tr( A) ≠ 0. Consider the infinite sequence of polynomials in, where. Then

for every n Є.

Proof. From the Cayley-Hamilton theorem. Therefore

Now suppose that . From the equation (1),

and so

The proof of the following lemma is a direct consequence of the Cayley-Hamilton theorem, so we will omit it.

Lemma 3.2. Let A in SL(2, ) be a non scalar matrix such that tr(A) = 0, then.

Corollary 3.3. Let A, B in SL(2, ) be non scalar matrices such that

Let A be a non scalar matrix with λ ≠ tr(A) ≠ 0 and. Then. Therefore A is a diagonalizable matrix, so there exists and such that, with, and .

Now, let B Є SL(2, ) be a non-scalar matrix. It is well known that AB = BA implies that B = WD(y)W-1, with y2 - 1 ≠ 0. We have proven the following theorem.

Theorem 3.4. Let φ be a representation of BS(n, n), with φ(x) = B and φ(y) = A non-scalar matrices, and let λ = tr(A) ≠ 0, then:

(a) If , then A is a diagonalizable matrix. Moreover, AB = BA if and only if A and B are simultaneously diagonalizable.

(b) If then AB = BA.

Therefore, if φ is a non abelian representation, then A must be elliptic and

The following lemma will give us a easy way to compute the polynomial for the case of diagonalizable matrices.

Lemma 3.5. Let be a non-scalar matrix, withand. Then,

(a) If n is an even number, then


(b) ifn is a odd number, then

Proof. From Theorem 3.1,

Then Therefore and so

If we multiply both sides by an, we obtain

1. This implies that

The rest of the proof follows by factorizing polynomials of the form

Theorem 3.6. With the notation above.

(1) If n is a even number, then there exists an injective function from the algebraic set (J) into nab-rep(BS(n,n))/ ≈, where J is the ideal of spanned by


(2) If n is an odd number, then there exists an injective function from the algebraic set (J) into nab-rep(BS(n,n))/ ≈, where J is the ideal ofspanned by


Proof. (1) Let and let the canonical homomorphism such that H(x) = D(y, β) and H(y) = D(α). Suppose that n = 2t, t > 0.

Now, consider the following two cases for the trace, A, of D(a).

Case 1: If λ = 0, then and

Case 2: if λ ≠ 0, then Therefore

From the previous cases, and the fact that H(x) and H(y) are not simultaneously diagonalizable, H extends to a nonabelian representation . So, we can define the function

where is the equivalence class of the representation .

Let be such that then there exists and

By expanding the matrix equality we obtain two possibilities, either If we suppose that then C11 = C22 = 0 and C21 = If we replace them in the equation CD(x 3, x 2)C -1 = D(y 3, y 2), we get that C 12 = 0, but this is a contradiction, and so x 1 = y 1, and therefore C = I. Hence, ç is an injective function.

(2) Let (α, β,Υ ,σ) Є (J) and let, again, H : be the canonical homomorphism given by H(y) = D(α) and H(x) = D(Υ, β).

Because g(α, β,Υ ,σ) = 0, then therefore and, from Lemma 3.5, Therefore H extends to a non-abelian representation . So, we can define the function

where is the equivalence class of the representation

The proof that ç is an injective function is quite similar to what we did in the proof of (1).

We conclude this section with the fact that for every all the representations in the equivalence class are reducible.

Theorem 3.7. Every representation in is reducible.

Proof. Let be the representative element of where and The eigenspace corresponds to the eigenvalue α-1, of the matrix (y), and has the property that it is an eigenspace of the matrix (x). Therefore is an (BS(n, n))-invariant subspace of

3.2. The case BS(n,m), with n ≠ m

We start this section with the following theorem.

Theorem 3.8. There are no non-abelian representations of BS(n,m) such that(x) and (y) are both parabolic matrices.

Proof. Suppose that there exists a non-abelian representations of BS(n,m) in which (x) and (y) are both parabolic matrices. Then is a conjugate of the non-abelian representations such that

Since then if and only if

Then we prove that (2) is true if and only if w12 = 0 and . Since then and so Hence, where and , that is a contradiction.

Corollary 3.9. Let m and denote by L the ideal ofspanned by f (z, w). Then there exists a function from the algebraic variety(L) into nab-rep(BS(n, m))/ ≠.

Proof. Let and consider the map

where is the representation given by = It is not hard to prove that Ψ is a well-defined function. The function Ψ is not injective because and

Theorem 3.10. With the above notation. The representation is reducible.

Proof. Consider the eigenspace . Then, E is a K(BS(n, m))-invariant one dimensional subspace of

Theorem 3.11. If nab-rep(BS(n, m)) and(y) is not a parabolic matrix, then (y) has finite order.

Proof. Suppose that nab-rep(BS(n, m)) and (y) is not a parabolic matrix. Then must be equivalent to a representation, such that

The matrix equality is true if and only if

Now, therefore D (δ) is an elliptic matrix of finite order. Moreover, since is a non abelian representation, then we have to add one of the following inequalities …………………………………………….

Theorem 3.12. We suppose that m > n. Let g1(α, β, Υ, σ) ,and let I the ideal of [α, β, Υ, σ] spanned by {g 1 , g 2 }. Then, there exist a injective function from the algebraic variety (I) into nab-rep(BS(n, m)) .

Proof. Consider the map

nab-rep(BS(n,m)), where is the representation given by

and .

Due to the fact that and from Theorem 3.11, we get that is a non-abelian representation, therefore we have shown that is well defined.

The proof that is an injective function, is straightforward.

Theorem 3.13. The representation given byis reducible.

4. On non-abelian faithful representations of BS(n,m)

From the Theorem 2.12, the group BS(n, m) could have a non-abelian faithful representation in SL(2, ) only for the cases in which n = m or n = 1 or m = 1. But, we know that BS(n,n) does not have non-abelian faithful representations into SL(2,). (see Theorem 3.6). Therefore there only remains the case n = 1, because for m =1 we have that BS(1, m) BS(m, 1).

Before the proof that BS(1,m) is a linear group, consider the following theorem.

Theorem 4.1. Each element Є BS(1, m) is uniquely represented by a word of the formwhere p, k, q are integers and p, q 0.

Proof. From we obtain the infinite family of relators { }. So, we have the following four kinds of equations:


Without loss of generality, we may suppose that the words in BS(1,m) have the form where We will complete the proof by induction on the length n.

When n = 1, then So, if t1 > 0, then from (a) and (d),

Now assume that . then . By the induction hypothesis where a, c ≥ 0, so w = If c + tn ≥ 0, from (a) and (d), , but if c + tn ≤ 0, from (b) and (c),

Corollary 4.2. Let m £ Z such that |m| > 1, then BS(1, m) is a linear group, and it is residually finite.

Proof. We give the proof for the case m > 1. From Theorem 3.8, there exists a representation : BS(1,m) SL(2, ), such that (x) = D(m-1/2) and (y) = D(1 , 1).

Let w be a word in BS(1 ,m) such that (w) = I. Because w is uniquely represented by a word of the form where and p, q ≥ 0, then

hence, (w) = I if and only if p = q and k = 0. Therefore w =1 and so is injective.

If m = -1, then we have that D2(δ, i) = D(-1), therefore D(δ, i) is a matrix of order 4, as a consequence, neither of the representations given in the proof of Theorem 3.8 are faithful.

Let and where A = D(1,1) and B = D(m-1/2). Let , with m > 1, be the subgroup of generated by and

Proposition 4.3. The subgroup is an elementary subgroup of . Moreover, is not a Fuchsian group.

Proof. Since then

therefore, from Theorem 2.7 we have that is an elementary subgroup of . Besides, is not abelian, and hence it is not cyclic. Since A is not a diagonalizable matrix, is not conjugate to some group of the form where g(z) = kz (k > 1) and f (z) =-1/z -then is not a Fuchsian group.

Theorem 4.4. The subgroup is not discrete.

Proof. Let then there exists p, q, k in with p, q ≥ 0 such that Due to the fact that


Let t ≥ 0 such that . Then

If we take t = 3 and p = q, then the previous inequality becomes 2m2p + k2 ≤ 3m2p, and so k2 ≤ m2p. It is not hard to prove that there are infinitely many pairs (k,p) G such that k2 ≤ m2p.


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2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. 20C15, 20C40, 20G05, 20H10.

Received: September 2016; Accepted: January 2017

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