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| · The importance of being chemical affinity. Part VI: The harvest Salas-Banuet, Guillermo; Ramírez-Vieyra, José; Restrepo-Baena, Oscar; Noguez-Amaya, María; Cockrell, Bryan
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| · Review of mathematical models to describe the food salting process Gómez-Salazar, Julián Andrés; Clemente-Polo, Gabriela; Sanjuán-Pelliccer, Neus
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| · Geotechnical behavior of a tropical residual soil contaminated with gasoline Echeverri-Ramírez, Óscar; Valencia-González, Yamile; Toscano-Patiño, Daniel Eduardo; Ordoñez-Muñoz, Francisco A.; Arango-Salas, Cristina; Osorio-Torres, Santiago
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| · Container stacking revenue management system: A fuzzy-based strategy for Valparaiso port Valdés-González, Héctor; Reyes-Bozo, Lorenzo; Vyhmeister, Eduardo; Salazar, José Luis; Sepúlveda, Juan Pedro; Mosca-Arestizábal, Marco
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| · The influence of the glycerin concentration on the porous structure of ferritic stainless steel obtained by anodization Bervian, Alexander; Ludwig, Gustavo Alberto; Raquel Kunst, Sandra; Rossa Beltrami, Lílian Vanessa; Dewes Moura, Angela Beatrice; Malfatti, Célia de Fraga; Trindade Oliveira, Claudia
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| · Synthesis and characterization of polymers based on citric acid and glycerol: Its application in non-biodegradable polymers Mariano-Torres, Jaime Alfredo; López-Marure, Arturo; Domiguez-Sánchez, Miguel Ángel
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| · Methodology for the evaluation of the residual impact on landscape due to an opencast coal mine in Laciana Valley (Spain) Alberruche-del Campo, María Esther; Arranz-González, Julio César; Rodríguez-Gómez, Virginia; Fernández-Naranjo, Francisco Javier; Rodríguez-Pacheco, Roberto; Vadillo-Fernández, Lucas
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| · Encryption using circular harmonic key Rueda-Parada, Jorge Enrique
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| · Evaluation of the toxicity characteristics of two industrial wastes valorized by geopolymerization process Martínez-López, Carolina; Mejía-Arcila, Johanna M.; Torres-Agredo, Janneth; Mejía-de Gutiérrez, Ruby
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| · A hybrid genetic algorithm for ROADEF'05-like complex production problems Frutos, Mariano; Olivera, Ana Carolina; Tohmé, Fernando
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| · Environmental and economic impact of the use of natural gas for generating electricity in The Amazon: A case study Ferreira Silva, Wagner; Campos, Lucila M. S.; Moya-Rodríguez, Jorge L.; Cabral-Leite, Jandecy
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| · Classification of voltage sags according to the severity of the effects on the induction motor Jaramillo-Matta, Adolfo Andrés; Guasch-Pesquer, Luis; Trujillo-Rodríguez, Cesar Leonardo
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| · A methodology for analysis of cogeneration projects using oil palm biomass wastes as an energy source in the Amazon Cavalcante de Oliveira, Rosana; de Souza e Silva, Rogério Diogne; de Lima Tostes, Maria Emilia
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| · Application architecture to efficiently manage formal and informal m-learning. A case study to motivate computer engineering students Álvarez-Bermejo, José Antonio; Codina-Sánchez, Antonio; Belmonte-Ureña, Luis Jesús
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| · Acoustic analysis of the drainage cycle in a washing machine Lladó-Paris, Juan; Sánchez-Tabuenca, Beatriz
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| · Atmospheric corrosivity in Bogota as a very high-altitude metropolis questions international standards Ríos-Rojas, John Fredy; Escobar-Ocampo, Diego; Hernández-García, Edwin Arbey; Arroyave, Carlos
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| · Electricity consumption forecasting using singular spectrum analysis Lima de Menezes, Moisés; Castro Souza, Reinaldo; Moreira Pessanha, José Francisco
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| · Computational simulation of a diesel generator consuming vegetable oil "in nature" and air enriched with hydrogen Seawright-de Campos, Ricardo Augusto; Martins-Nogueira, Manoel Fernandes; de Lima-Tostes, Maria Emília
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| · A reconstruction of objets by interferometric profilometry with positioning system of labeled target periodic Arias-Hernández, Néstor Alonso; Molina-Prado, Martha Lucía; Meneses-Fonseca, Jaime Enrique
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| · Convergence analysis of the variables integration method applied in multiobjetive optimization in the reactive power compensation in the electric nets Marrero-Ramírez, Secundino; González-Palau, Ileana; Legra-Lobaina, Aristides A.
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| · Lossless compression of hyperspectral images with pre-byte processing and intra-bands correlation Sarinova, Assiya; Zamyatin, Alexander; Cabral, Pedro
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| · Study of land cover of Monte Forgoselo using Landsat Thematic Mapper 5 images (Galicia, NW Spain) Álvarez-Bermúdez, Xana; Valero-Gutiérrez del Olmo, Enrique; Picos-Martín, Juan; Ortiz-Torres, Luis
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| · Inventory planning with dynamic demand. A state of art review Valencia-Cárdenas, Marisol; Díaz-Serna, Francisco Javier; Correa-Morales, Juan Carlos
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| · Structural analysis of a friction stir-welded small trailer Bermúdez-Parra, Fabio; Franco-Arenas, Fernando; Casanova-García, Fernando
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| · A branch and bound hybrid algorithm with four deterministic heuristics for the resource constrained project scheduling problem (RCPSP) Morillo-Torres, Daniel; Moreno-Velásquez, Luis Fernando; Díaz-Serna, Francisco Javier
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| · Decision making in the product portfolio: Methods adopted by Brazil's innovative companies Jugend, Daniel; Luis da Silva, Sérgio; Henrique Salgado, Manoel; Navas Leoni, Juliene
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| · Determination of the topological charge of a bessel-gauss beam using the diffraction pattern through of an equilateral aperture Hernando Acevedo, Cristian; Fernando Díaz, Carlos; Torres-Moreno, Yezid
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| · Inspection of radiant heating floor applying non-destructive testing techniques: GPR AND IRT Lagüela-López, Susana; Solla-Carracelas, Mercedes; Díaz-Vilariño, Lucía; Armesto-González, Julia
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| · Iron ore sintering. Part 3: Automatic and control systems Cores, Alejandro; Verdeja, Luis Felipe; Ferreira, Serafín; Ruiz-Bustinza, Íñigo; Mochón, Javier; Robla, José Ignacio; González Gasca, Carmen
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| · 3D Parametric design and static analysis of the first Spanish winch used to drain water from mines Rojas-Sola, José Ignacio; Molino-Delgado, Jesús
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