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| · Simulation of a hydrogen hybrid battery-fuel cell vehicle Alfonsín, Víctor; Suárez, Andrés; Maceiras, Rocío; Cancela, ángeles; Sánchez, ángel
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| · Using waste energy from the Organic Rankine Cycle cogeneration in the Portland cement industry Paredes-Sánchez, José Pablo; Restrepo-Baena, Oscar Jaime; álvarez-Rodríguez, Beatriz; Osorio-Correa, Adriana Marcela; Restrepo, Gloria
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| · The production, molecular weight and viscosifying power of alginate produced by Azotobacter vinelandii is affected by the carbon source in submerged cultures Trujillo-Roldán, Mauricio A.; Monsalve-Gil, John F.; Cuesta-álvarez, Angélica M.; Valdez-Cruz, Norma A.
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| · Supply chain knowledge management: A linked data-based approach using SKOS Rodríguez-Enríquez, Cristian Aarón; Alor-Hernández, Giner; Sánchez-Ramírez, Cuauhtémoc; Córtes-Robles, Guillermo
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| · The green supplier selection as a key element in a supply chain: A review of cases studies Villanueva-Ponce, Rodrigo; Avelar-Sosa, Liliana; Alvarado-Iniesta, Alejandro; Cruz-Sánchez, Vianey Guadalupe
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| · The effect of crosswinds on ride comfort in high speed trains running on curves Aizpun-Navarro, Miguel; Sesma-Gotor, Ignacio
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| · Valorization of vinasse as binder modifier in asphalt mixtures Martínez-Echevarría-Romero, Mª José; García-Travé, Gema; Rubio-Gámez, Mª Carmen; Moreno-Navarro, Fernando; Pérez-Mira, Domingo
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| · Comparison of consistency assessment models for isolated horizontal curves in two-lane rural highways Cárdenas-Aguilar, Danilo; Echaveguren, Tomás
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| · Competition between anisotropy and dipolar interaction in multicore nanoparticles: Monte Carlo simulation Londoño-Navarro, Juanita; Riaño-Rojas, Juan Carlos; Restrepo-Parra, Elisabeth
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| · Broad-Range tunable optical wavelength converter for next generation optical superchannels Betancur-Pérez, Andrés F.; Cárdenas-Soto, Ana Maria; Guerrero-González, Neil
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| · Numerical analysis of the influence of sample stiffness and plate shape in the Brazilian test álvarez-Fernández, Martina Inmaculada; González-Nicieza, Celestino; Prendes-Gero, María Belén; García-Menéndez, José Ramón; Peñas-Espinosa, Juan Carlos; Suárez-Domínguez, Francisco José
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| · Validating the University of Delaware's precipitation and temperature database for northern South America Fontalvo-García, Juan Sebastián; Santos-Gómez, José David; Giraldo-Osorio, Juan Diego
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| · Experimental behavior of a masonry wall supported on a RC two-way slab Gómez-Bernal, Alonso; Manzanares-Ponce, Daniel A.; Vargas-Arguello, Omar; Arellano-Méndez, Eduardo; Juárez-García, Hugón; González-Cuevas, Oscar M.
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| · Synthesis of ternary geopolymers based on metakaolin, boiler slag and rice husk ash Villaquirán-Caicedo, Mónica Alejandra; Gutiérrez, Ruby Mejía-de
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| · New tuning rules for PID controllers based on IMC with minimum IAE for inverse response processes Castellanos-Cárdenas, Duby; Castrillón-Hernández, Fabio
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| · Low-cost platform for the evaluation of single phase electromagnetic phenomena of power quality according to the IEEE 1159 standard Díaz-Rodríguez, Jorge Luis; Pabón-Fernández, Luis David; Contreras-Peña, Jorge Luis
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| · Self-assessment: A critical competence for Industrial Engineering Verano-Tacoronte, Domingo; Bolívar-Cruz, Alicia; González-Betancor, Sara M.
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| · Maintenance management program through the implementation of predictive tools and TPM as a contribution to improving energy efficiency in power plants Fonseca-Junior, Milton; Holanda-Bezerra, Ubiratan; Cabral-Leite, Jandecy; Reyes-Carvajal, Tirso L.
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| · Numerical modelling of Alto Verde landslide using the material point method Llano-Serna, Marcelo Alejandro; Farias, Márcio Muniz-de; Martínez-Carvajal, Hernán Eduardo
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| · The energy trilemma in the policy design of the electricity market Franco-Cardona, Carlos Jaime; Castañeda-Riascos, Mónica; Valencia-Arias, Alejandro; Bermúdez-Hernández, Jonathan
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| · Influence of seawater immersion in low energy impact behavior of a novel colombian fique fiber reinforced bio-resin laminate Ramón-Valencia, Fabuer; Lopez-Arraiza, Alberto; Múgica, Joseba I.; Aurrekoetxea, Jon; Suarez, Juan Carlos; Ramón-Valencia, Bladimir
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| · Effect of V addition on the hardness, adherence and friction coefficient of VC coatings produced by thermo-reactive diffusion deposition Orjuela-Guerrero, Fredy Alejandro; Alfonso-Orjuela, José Edgar; Olaya-Flórez, Jhon Jairo
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| · Multi-level pedagogical model for the personalization of pedagogical strategies in intelligent tutoring systems Caro, Manuel F.; Josyula, Darsana P.; Jiménez, Jovani A.
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| · Impact of working conditions on the quality of working life: Case manufacturing sector colombian Caribbean Region Martínez-Buelvas, Laura; Oviedo-Trespalacios, Oscar; Luna-Amaya, Carmenza
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| · Application of a prefeasibility study methodology in the selection of road infrastructure projects: The case of Manizales (Colombia) Escobar-García, Diego Alexander; Younes-Velosa, Camilo; Moncada-Aristizábal, Carlos Alberto
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| · Simulation of a thermal environment in two buildings for the wet processing of coffee Osorio-Hernandez, Robinson; Guerra-Garcia, Lina Marcela; Ferreira-Tinôco, Ilda de Fátima; Osorio-Saraz, Jairo Alexander; Aristizábal-Torres, Iván Darío
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| · A comparative study of multiobjective computational intelligence algorithms to find the solution to the RWA problem in WDM networks Montes-Castañeda, Bryan; Patiño-Garzón, Jorge Leonardo; Puerto-Leguizamón, Gustavo Adolfo
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| · Determination of the Rayleigh damping coefficients of steel bristles and clusters of bristles of gutter brushes Vanegas-Useche, Libardo V.; Abdel-Wahab, Magd M.; Parker, Graham A.
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| · Estimate of induced stress during filling and discharge of metallic silos for cement storage Bayona-Carvajal, Wilmer; Useche-Vivero, Jairo
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| · An early view of the barriers to entry and career development in Building Engineering Infante-Perea, Margarita; Román-Onsalo, Marisa; Navarro-Astor, Elena
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