| Sumário Dyna rev.fac.nac.minas vol.89 no.220 Medellín jan./mar. 2022 Artigos | | | | · Influence of physicochemical variables on polymer adsorption in porous media Herrera-Quintero, Julia; Maya-Toro, Gustavo; Colmenares-Vargas, Kelly; Vidal-Prada, Juliana; Barbosa-Trillos, Dalje; Muñoz-Mazo, Eduin
| | | | · Biotechnological methods for pulping copoazú (Theobroma grandiflorum (Wild. ex Spring) Schum) seed and their influence on the fermentation stage Criollo-Nuñez, Jenifer; Sandoval-Aldana, Angélica Piedad; Criollo-Cruz, Dagoberto; López-Hernández, Martha del Pilar
| | | | · Mitigation of chilling injury in sweet potato roots subjected to low-temperature conditioning Véras, Mário Leno Martins; Araújo, Nicolas Oliveira de; Tello, Jean Paulo de Jesus; Santos, Mirelle Nayana Sousa; Araújo, Fernanda Ferreira de; Krause, Marcelo Rodrigo; Finger, Fernando Luiz
| | | | · Rainfall profiles and sisal productivity for Bahia mesoregions, Brazil Lopes, Iug; Carvalho, Ailton Alves de; Guimarães, Miguel Julio Machado; Melo, Juliana Maria Medrado de; Alfaro, Marcela Daniela Mollericona; Leal, Brauliro Gonçalves
| | | | · Optimization of urban land-cover classification workflow based on geographic-object analysis using very-high-resolution imagery Mora-Castañeda, Deybi Libardo; León-Sánchez, Camilo Alexander; Lizarazo, Ivan
| | | | · Numerical model for predicting and evaluating sand production in weakly consolidated reservoirs Araujo-Guerrero, Edson Felipe; Morales-Monsalve, Cristhian Bernardo; Alzate-Espinosa, Guillermo Arturo; Arbelaez-Londoño, Alejandra
| | | | · Performance control of root piles using a digital odometer Filho, José Melchior; Moura, Alfran Sampaio; Monteiro, Fernando Feitosa
| | | | · Comparison of mobile QoE: an unsupervised field study in Argentina and Cuba Collazo-García, Antonio; Casas, Sandra
| | | | · Roadmap for the implementation of robotic process automation in enterprises Liévano-Martínez, Federico Andrés; Fernández-Ledesma, Javier Dario
| | | | · Determination of some quality characteristics of new primary cuts of the forequarter of Colombian bovine carcasses Restrepo-Molina, Diego; López-Vargas, Jairo; Berdugo-Gutiérrez, Jesús; Cabrera-Torres, Kenneth; Alzate-Amariles, Verónica
| | | | · Study of excavated clays with kaolinite and dickite as pozzolanic materials Yanguatin, Hernan; Tironi, Alejandra; Tobón, Jorge I.
| | | | · Spatio-temporal prediction of water production in basins without records Márquez-Romance, Adriana Mercedes; Guevara Pérez, Edilberto; Pérez-Pacheco, Sergio Alejandro; Buroz-Castillo, Eduardo
| | | | · Influence of zinc coating on nugget development and mechanical properties in dissimilar welded joints DP600 - AISI304 obtained by the RSW process Espinel-Hernández, Alejandro; Sánchez-Orozco, Mario; Sánchez-Roca, Angel; Caputi, Lorenzo S.; Oliveira-Villarinho, Louriel; Carvajal-Fals, Hipólito
| | | | · Application of the experimental design for the analysis of nonattendance to scheduled medical appointments in the Colombian Health System Navarro-Romero, Elisa del Carmen; García-Corrales, Natalia; Gelves-Alarcón, Óscar Mauricio; Arteaga-Sarmiento, Wilfrido Javier
| | | | · Management of safety rules and occupational risks: a systematic review from 2011 - 2021 Llaja-Poso, Antoni Absalón; Rosales-Santos, Maylli Margori; Quiroz-Flores, Juan Carlos; Rondon-Jara, Evelyn
| | | | · Ambient seismic noise in Cuba: analysis of broadband seismic stations in the Cuban Seismic Network Poveda-Brossard, Viana; Diez-Zaldivar, Eduardo R.
| | | | · Aerodynamic shape optimization of a vertical-axis wind turbine with effect number of blades Chabane, Foued; Barkat, Mohamed Aymene; Arif, Ali
| | | | · Microencapsulation of aroma compounds produced by Pichia fermentans Medeiros, Adriane Bianchi Pedroni; Rossi, Suzan Cristina; Bier, Mario Cesar Jucoski; Martínez-Burgos, Walter José; Soccol, Carlos Ricardo
| | | | · Chemical comparison of the essential oils of Lippia Origanoides in two agroclimatic zones of the Colombian Caribbean coast Torres-Sierra, Liz María; Pérez-Cordero, Alexander; Torregroza-Espinosa, Angélica; Vitola-Romero, Deimer
| | | | · Performance evaluation of a Time Scale Controller Rairán-Antolines, José Danilo
| | | | · Improvement of competitiveness through the application of analytic hierarchy process, game theory, decision trees and design of experiments tools Romero-Martínez, Lizeth; Chincoya-Benítez, Lillian Itzel; Flores-Camacho, Guillermo; González-Nativitas, Karla Gabriela; Caballero-Morales, Santiago Omar
| | | | · Environmental impact assessment in the San Luis de Alba rock quarry, Puno, Perú Sucari-León, Anibal; Chambi-Condori, Nancy; Llanque-Maquera, Oscar Eloy
| | | | · Potential impacts by residual HPAM from a polymer injection process on the behavior of production fluids Ariza-Quiroga, Caterine; Quintero-Pérez, Henderson Iván; Torres-Camacho, Carlos Alberto; Villar-García, Alvaro; Muñoz-Navarro, Samuel Fernando
| | | | · The role of urban green areas in noise pollution attenuation Oliveira, Jefferson Dias de; Biondi, Daniela; Reis, Allan Rodrigo Nunho dos
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