Publicando |
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| · Revista Colombiana de Psiquiatría: cuarenta años de labor Gómez-Restrepo, Carlos
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Artigo Especial |
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| · Prevalence of Mental Disorders and use of Services: Preliminary Results from of the National Study of Mental Health, Colombia, 2003 Posada-Villa, José A.; Aguilar-Gaxiola, Sergio A; Magaña, Cristina G; Gómez, Luis Carlos
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| · The Texture of “Togetherness”: Weaving Ideas to Create New Meanings between Patient and Therapist Garciandía, José Antonio; Samper, Jeannette
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Artigo Revisao |
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| · Emotional Impact of a High-Risk Pregnancy Torres Gutiérrez, Manuel
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| · Depression in the Renal Patient Alarcón Prada, Ariel
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Epistemologia, filosofia da mente e bioética |
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| · Anxiety and creation Roda, Marcos
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Metodologia de investigão e leitura crítica |
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| · Research Bias in Analytical Studies Restrepo Sarmiento, Margarita María; Restrepo, Carlos Gómez
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Reporte do Caso |
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| · Aspectos neuropsiquiátricos en la enfermedad de Huntington: Neuropsychiatric Aspects of Huntington's Disease de la Espriella Perdomo, Mauricio
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