| Sumário rev.colomb.psiquiatr. v.35 n.1 Bogotá jan./mar. 2006 Publicando | | | | · Manual de medicamentos psiquiátricos del plan obligatorio de salud: dudas y preguntas Gómez-Restrepo, Carlos
| | | Artigo Especial | | | | · HPatients' Knowledge about Depression among Patients Treated in Primary Care Settings in Bogotá, Colombia. Colombian Results of the International Depression Project Riveros Vargas, Mónica; Bohórquez Peñaranda, Adriana; Gómez-Restrepo, Carlos; Okuda Benavides, Mayumi
| | | | · Internal Consistency and Factorial Analysis of Family Functioning APGAR Scale in Middle School Students Forero Ariza, Laura Marcela; Avendaño Durán, Mónica Cristina; Duarte Cubillos, Zuly Janeth; Campo-Arias, Adalberto
| | | | · Colombia: violence and mental health. The opinion in psychiatry de Santacruz, Cecilia; Chams, Wadeth; Fernández de Soto, Paola
| | | Artigo Revisao | | | | · Future of Antidepressive Pharmacotherapy González Caro, César
| | | | · Insight in Patients with Psychosis Navarro Marún, Fabiola; Cardeño, Carlos Alberto; Cano, Juan Fernando; Gómez, José Mario; Jiménez, Kerly; Palacio, Carlos Alberto; García, Jenny
| | | | · Filicide: A Review de la Espriella Guerrero, Ricardo
| | | Epistemology, mind philosophy and bioethics | | | | · The Verbal Hallucination and Interior Language Sampson, Anthony
| | | Investigation methodology and critical reading | | | | · Notes about Causality Gómez-Restrepo, Carlos; Delgado Ramírez, Martha Beatriz
| | | Reporte de Caso | | | | · Case Report: Mixed Mood Disorder with Psychotic Symptoms Associated to Sibutramine Carlos Alba, Juan; Uribe, Miguel; Gutiérrez, Eduardo; Torres, Néstor
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