| Sumário rev.colomb.psiquiatr. v.37 n.4 Bogotá out./dez. 2008 Nossa Capa | | | | · Rafael Dussan Jaccanno, Claudio
| | | Publicando | | | | · Colombian Psychiatry: Moments and Challenges Miranda Bastidas, Carlos A
| | | | · El derecho a la salud en la perspectiva de los derechos humanos y del sistema de inspección, vigilancia y control de quejas en materia de salud * Maya, Edgardo
| | | Artigo Especial | | | | · What Insurgent Groups Think about Colombian Media Roldán Valencia, Ismael; Giraldo, Diana Sofía; Flórez, Miguel Ángel
| | | | · Development and Validation of a Scale to Measure Manic Symptoms: Mania Scale of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia (EMUN) Sanchez Pedraza, Ricardo; Jaramillo, Luis Eduardo; Gomez-Restrepo, Carlos
| | | | · Analysis of Aspects Related to Mental Illness in Colombia and Training in Psychiatry Arango-Dávila, César Augusto; Rojas Fernández, Juan Carlos; Moreno, Mauricio
| | | | · Validation of the Psychopathy Check-List Revised (PCL-R) in Colombian Male Jail Inmates García Valencia, Jenny; Arango Viana, Juan Carlos; Correa Rico, Oscar; Pérez González, Andrés Felipe; Agudelo, Víctor Hugo; Mejía Mosquera, Carlos Andrés; Casals, Sergi; López Calle, Gabriel Jaime; Patiño López, Juan David; Palacio Acosta, Carlos Alberto
| | | | · Confidentiality in Psychotherapy: Exploratory Study among Colombian Psychiatrists Franco, Álvaro
| | | | · Short-Interval Test-Retest Interrater Reliability of the Spanish Version of the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV for Depressive Disorder * * Rueda-Jaimes, Germán Eduardo; Navarro-Mancilla, Álvaro Andrés; Camacho López, Paul Anthony; Franco López, Jorge Augusto; Escobar Sánchez, Mauricio
| | | Artigo Revisao | | | | · The Most Frequently Diagnosed Mental Disorders: Prevalence and Associated Socio-demographical Factors Campo-Arias, Adalberto; Cassiani Miranda, Carlos Arturo
| | | | · Use of Valerian in the Long-Term Treatment of Insomnia Medina Ortiz, Oscar; Sánchez-Mora, Nora; Fraguas Herraez, David; Arango López, Celso
| | | Epistemologia, filosofia da mente e bioética | | | | · Conflicts of Interest and Publication Biases: A Problem of Psychiatric Literature? Caballero, Andrea; Gómez-Restrepo, Carlos; Rodríguez G, Maritza
| | | Metodologia de investigão e leitura crítica | | | | · Functional Neurodissection in the First Episode of Schizophrenia: Time to Do It Leon-Sarmiento, Fidias E.; Bayona-Prieto, Jaime; Hernández, Hernán G.
| | | Reporte do Caso | | | | · Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Symptoms in Huntingtons Disease: A Case Report Molano-Eslava, Juan Carlos; Cucalón, Ángela Iragorri; Ucrós-Rodríguez, Gonzalo; Bonilla-Jácome, Carolina; Tovar-Perdomo, Santiago; Herin, David V.; Orozco-Cabal, Luis
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