Publishing |
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| · Quality Management System in the Colombian Association of Psychiatry (ACP) Ortiz Ramírez, Deyanira; Delgado Fonnoll, María del Pilar
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Original Article |
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| · Refections about the Attention in Mental Health of Ex-Soldiers of Armed Irregular Groups de la Espriella, Ricardo; Falla, Josué Vladimir
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| · Reconfguring Narratives of Family Violence in Antioquia (Colombia) Builes Correa, María Victoria; López Serna, Lina María
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| · Physiological Contributions to the Validity of Criterion and Construct of the Diagnosis of Anxiety According to the Psychiatric Structured Interview and the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) in a Sample of Colombian University Students Conde Cotes, Carlos Arturo; Orozco Vargas, Luis Carlos; Báez Rangel, Ana Mireya; Dallos Arenales, Marta Isabel
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| · Teachers, their Environment and Burnout Syndrome (PBS) in Public Schools in Bogota (Colombia) Gómez-Restrepo, Carlos; Rodríguez, Viviana; Padilla M, Andrea C; Avella-García, Claudia B
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| · Psychometric Properties of the CAGE Questionnaire for Alcohol Abuse: Results of Three Analyses Campo-Arias, Adalberto; Barros-Bermúdez, Jaider Alfonso; Rueda-Jaimes, Germán Eduardo
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| · Confrmatory Factorial Analysis of Symptoms of the Manic Syndrome from the Application of the Universidad Nacional Mania Scale (EMUN) Romero Tapia, Álvaro Enrique; Sánchez Pedraza, Ricardo
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Review Article |
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| · Why do Women Get More Depressed than Men? Gaviria Arbeláez, Silvia Lucía
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| · Pharmacological Treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Nightmares Muñoz Cortés, Harold; Lozano Cortés, Lyda Marcela
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Epistemology, mind philosophy and bioethics |
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| · The Theory of Delusions as False Beliefs and the Conviction and Incorrigibility of Psychic Phenomena Fierro Urresta, Marco; Giraldo, Laura Victoria; Molina Bulla, Carlos
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Investigation methodology and critical reading |
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| · An Instrument for the Assessment of Qualitative Research Mora, Mireya
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Case Report |
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| · Limbic Encephalitis in a 41 Year-Old Female with a Mediastinal Mass and Behavior Changes Restrepo Bernal, Diana; Cardeño Castro, Carlos A.
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Noticias comentarios y cartas al editor |
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| · Farmacodependencia y abuso de sustancias: ¿un problema de salud pública colombiano olvidado, mal enfocado, distorsionado o convertido en una vendetta política? Gálvez Flórez, Juan Francisco
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