| Table of contents rev.colomb.psiquiatr. vol.45 no.1 Bogotá Jan./Mar. 2016 Editorial | | | | · Colombian psychiatry: a commitment for everyone Palacio Acosta, Carlos Alberto
| | | Original article | | | | · Factors Related With Psychoactive Substance Use in an Educational Institution in Jamundí Valle, Colombia Espinosa Soto, Katalina; Hernández Carrillo, Mauricio; Cassiani, Carlos Arturo; Cubides Munevar, Ángela M; Martínez Cardona, María del Carmen
| | | | · Comparison of Inflammatory Biomarkers Between Bipolar Disorder I Patients and Control Subjects Palacio, Juan David; Guzman, Sandra; Vargas, Cristian; Díaz-Zuluaga, Ana María; López-Jaramillo, Carlos
| | | | · Sociodemographic, psychopathological and therapeutic characterization in the first decade of service (1958–1968) of the Hospital Psiquiátrico San Isidro del Valle del Cauca Gutiérrez Avendaño, Jairo
| | | | · Sensitivity and specificity between the Composite International Diagnostic Interview Version 3.0 (World Mental Health, CIDI) and the Standardised Clinical Evaluation version I (SCID-I) in a mental health survey of the city of Medellin, 2012 Montoya Gonzalez, Laura Elisa; Restrepo Bernal, Diana Patricia; Mejía-Montoya, Roberto; Bareño-Silva, José; Sierra-Hincapié, Gloria; Torres de Galvis, Yolanda; Marulanda-Restrepo, Daniel; Gómez-Sierra, Natalia; Gaviria-Arbeláe, Silvia
| | | | · Psychiatric, Cognitive and Emotional Profile in Ex-combatants of Illegal Armed Groups in Colombia Tobón, Carlos; Aguirre-Acevedo, Daniel Camilo; Velilla, Lina; Duque, Jon; Ramos, Claudia Patricia; Pineda, David
| | | Review article | | | | · Delirium Prevention Restrepo Bernal, Diana; Niño García, Jorge Andrés; Ortiz Estévez, Daniel Eduardo
| | | Case report | | | | · Intervention of Schizophrenia From the Community Model Taborda Zapata, Eliana María; Montoya González, Laura Elisa; Gómez Sierra, Natalia María; Arteaga Morales, Laura María; Correa Rico, Oscar Andrés
| | | Epistemology, mind philosophy and bioethics | | | | · Child sexual abuse: clinical perspectives and ethico-legal dilemmas Franco, Alvaro; Ramírez, Luis
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