| Sumário rev.colomb.psiquiatr. vol.50 no.2 Bogotá abr./jun. 2021 Editorial | | | | · Editorial Santacruz Escudero, José Manuel
| | | Cartas ao Editor | | | | · Frontal Assessment Battery in the evaluation of patients with neurocognitive disorder due to the human immunodeficiency virus Theofilidis, Antonios; Karakasi, Maria-Valeria; Sofologi, Maria; Konstantinidis, Galaktion; Pavlidis, Pavlos; Tegos, Thomas; Nimatoudis, John
| | | | · Mental disorders due to excessive use of mobile phones Martínez Pizarro, Sandra
| | | | · Responsible prescription in Psychiatry: Metabolic Syndrome, an unresolved issue? Suárez Benites, Carolina Marley; De La Cruz Vargas, Jhony Alberto
| | | Artigo original | | | | · Recognition of musical emotions in the behavioral variant of frontotemporal dementia Orjuela-Rojas, Juan Manuel; Montañés, Patricia; Lizarazo Rodríguez, Ingrid Lizeth; González-Marín, Néstor Ricardo
| | | | · Validation of the Self Stigma of Seeking Help (SSOSH) Scale in a Population of Colombian Medical Students Larrahondo, Brayan F.; García Valencia, Jenny; Rangel Martínez-Villalba, Andrés Mauricio; Zapata Ospina, Juan Pablo; Aguirre-Acevedo, Daniel C.
| | | | · Self-recognition of mental disorders and mental problems in the adult population from the Colombian National Mental Health Survey Gómez-Restrepo, Carlos; Rodríguez, María Nelcy; Eslava-Schmalbach, Javier; Ruiz, Rafael; Gil, Jacky Fabian
| | | | · Prevalence of caregiver burden syndrome in formal caregivers of institutionalised patients with psychiatric illness Henao Piedrahita, Natalia; Idarraga Arroyave, Maria Manuela; Londoño Restrepo, Natalia; López Ceballos, Juan José; Ramírez Serna, María Alejandra; Serna Arango, Paula Andrea; Salazar, Jorge Emilio; Lopera, Ramón
| | | | · Beliefs of parents of children with mental disorders in a university hospital out-patient clinic in Colombia Ramírez, Carmenza Ricardo; Alvarez Gómez, Matilde; Franco Vásquez, José Gabriel; Zaraza Morales, Daniel; Caro Palacio, Juliana
| | | | · "We are like a goat": the theme of madness in Spanish punk songs (1981-2010) Pavez, Fabian; Saura, Erika; Marset, Pedro
| | | | · Comorbidity between depressive symptoms and substance use in-patients hospitalized for non-psychiatric diseases Campuzano-Cortina, Carolina; Feijoó-Fonnegra, Luisa María; Manzur-Pineda, Karen; Palacio-Muñoz, María; Rendón-Fonnegra, Julián; Montoya, Laura; Berrouet, Marie Claire; Restrepo, Diana
| | | Artigo de evisão | | | | · Cultural psychiatry: beyond DSM-5 Campo-Arias, Adalberto; Herazo, Edwin; Reyes-Rojas, Mónica
| | | Reporte do caso | | | | · Neuropsychiatry of Susac Syndrome: a Case Report Ruiz-García, Ramiro Gilberto; Chacón-González, Jacobo; Bayliss, Leo; Ramírez-Bermúdez, Jesús
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