| Sumário rev.fac.med. vol.68 no.1 Bogotá jan./mar. 2020 Editorial | | | | · The COVID-19 pandemic Navarro Vargas., José Ricardo
| | | Artigos originales | | | | · Differences in pain measurement between nurses and physicians in a teaching hospital Moyano-Acevedo, Jairo Ricardo; Molina-Arteta, Bilena Margarita; Matute-Gonzales, Edna; Camargo-Sánchez, Laura
| | | | · Systematic review and comparative analysis of pediatric nutrition screening tools validated in Europe and Canada Vásquez-Cárdenas, Laura; Pinzón-Espitia, Olga Lucia
| | | | · Use of non-pharmacological interventions during urinary catheter insertion for reducing urinary tract infections in non-immunocompromised adults. A systematic review Sáenz-Montoya, Ximena; Grillo-Ardila, Carlos Fernando; Amaya-Guio, Jairo; Muñoz-Vesga, Jessica
| | | | · Charaterization of prenatal exposure variables in a group of children aged 0-5 years with congenital heart defect treated in Cali, Colombia. The importance of folic acid Ramírez-Cheyne, Julián
| | | | · Cumulative incidence of lethal congenital anomalies in Peru Taype-Rondan, Alvaro; Zafra-Tanaka, Jessica Hanae; Guevara-Ríos, Enrique; Chávez-Alvarado, Susana
| | | | · Cardiovascular disease risk markers in children under 10 years of age and their relationship with serum concentrations of IGF-1, IGFBP-1, IGFBP-2 and IGFBP-3 Vera, Sorany; Figueroa, Tatiana; Aranzalez, Luz Helena; Mockus, Ismena
| | | | · Knowledge about healthcare-associated infections in medical, bioanalysis and nursing students from a Venezuelan university Guevara, Armando; González, Oscar; Salazar, Pedro; Tedesco-Maiullari, Rosa; Gascón, Cheila
| | | | · Anatomical features of bile ducts in a sample of Colombian corpses Quijano, Yobany
| | | | · Use of medical eponyms and obsolete anatomical terms during the 13th Colombian Congress of Morphology 2017 Duque-Parra, Jorge Eduardo; Barco-Ríos, John; Morales-Parra, Genaro
| | | | · Quality of clinical practice guidelines approved in Peru between 2015 and 2017 Huapaya-Huertas, Oscar Steven; Zafra-Tanaka, Jessica Hanae; Viru-Bazan, Carlos Ronald; Gil-Loayza, Karina Alicia; Cruzado-Zafra, Ingrid Miluska; Taype-Rondan, Álvaro
| | | | · Gait parameters in a sample of healthy Colombian adults aged between 18 and 25 years: a cross-sectional study Duque-Ramírez, José Ricardo; Vélez-Uribe, José David; Gómez-Suárez, Nicolás Eugenio; Manrique-Hernández, Rubén Darío
| | | | · Analysis of physical fitness according to sex, age, body mass index and level of physical activity in Spanish elementary school students Rosa-Guillamón, Andrés; Carrillo-López, Pedro José; García-Cantó, Eliseo
| | | | · Body mass index and cardiorespiratory fitness among public school teachers from Barranquilla, Colombia Vidarte-Claros, José Armando; Fontalvo-Navarro, Shirley; Herazo-Beltrán, Alix Yaneth; Vélez-Álvarez, Consuelo
| | | | · Discriminatory accuracy of serological tests for detecting Trypanosoma cruzi using the ROC curve and the standard methodology Querales, Marvin; De Lima, Ana Rita; Martínez-de Cordero, Harú; Cannova, Domenica Carolina; Simons, María Isabel; Pérez-Ybarra, Luis
| | | Artigo de reflexão | | | | · Big data, pharmacoepidemiology and pharmacovigilance Sánchez-Duque, Jorge Andrés; Gaviria-Mendoza, Andrés; Moreno-Gutiérrez, Paula Andrea; Machado-Alba, Jorge Enrique
| | | Artigo de revisão | | | | · Evidence of conflicts of interest in Medicine González-Mariño, Mario Arturo
| | | | · Oral tolerance induction in organ and tissue transplantation. Literature review Rivillas-Reyes, Juan Felipe; Hernández-Duran, Erwin Felipe; Morales-Manrique, Jessica Liliana; Rivillas, María Paula; Lozano-Marquez, Harvey; Lozano-Marquez, Eyner
| | | Relatos de casos | | | | · Bulluos Henoch-Schönlein Purpura in pediatrics. Case report Quimbayo-Romero, Andrés Iván; Camargo-Rodríguez, Kevin Joseph; Lozano-Triana, Carlos Javier; Landínez-Millán, Guillermo
| | | | · Precocious puberty due to congenital adrenal hyperplasia. Case report Dallos-Lara, María Fernanda; Mendoza-Rojas, Víctor Clemente
| | | Cartas al editor | | | | · English language and Peruvian medical programs Vásquez-Villalobos, José; Vergara-Polo, Ricardo; Farro-Maldonado, Marioli; Gutiérrez-Pérez, Glenda; Herrera-Guzmán, Adriana; Runzer-Colmenares, Fernando Miguel
| | | | · Intra-individual somatic variation of the rs669 polymorphism in the A2M gene in patients with colorectal cancer Ramírez-Plascencia, Helen Haydee Fernanda; Gutiérrez-Angulo, Melva; Suárez-Villanueva, Alexis Sayuri; Peregrina-Sandoval, Jorge; Ayala-Madrigal, María de la Luz
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