| Table of contents rev.fac.med. vol.69 no.4 Bogotá Oct./Dec. 2021 Editorial | | | | · Breastfeeding, nature's gift for infant growth and development Restrepo-Gualteros, Sonia; Escobar-Córdoba, Franklin
| | | Original papers | | | | · Symptom variability in outpatients with COPD and validation of the Colombian COPD Symptom Variability Instrument (EPOC-CoVaSy) González-Mejía, Eidelman Antonio; Uñate-Suárez, Olga Constanza; Bula-Gutiérrez, Carlos José; Patino-Jiménez, Yojana Patricia
| | | | · Prevalence and morphometric characteristics of the anterolateral ligament of the knee in a sample of Colombian human cadavers Cruz-Buitrago, Daniela; Quijano-Blanco, Yobany
| | | | · Face validity of a simulated low back pain clinical case in physical therapy training Castellanos-Garrido, Adriana Lucía; Sandoval-Cuellar, Carolina; Alfonso-Mora, Margareth Lorena; Goyeneche-Ortegón, Ruth Liliana; Castellanos-Vega, Rocío del Pilar; Acosta-Otálora, Martha Lucía; Villarraga, Angélica del Pilar; Cobo-Mejía, Elisa Andrea
| | | | · Functional autonomy and sarcopenia markers in women over 55 years of age Ramírez-Villada, Jhon Fredy; Arango-Paternina, Carlos Mario; Tibaduiza-Romero, Annie; Rodríguez-Perdomo, Leonardo; Molina-Restrepo, Nery Cecilia; Márquez-Arabia, Jorge Jaime
| | | | · Characterization of pregnant women who gave birth in 2016 at the Hospital de La Samaritana, Bogotá D.C., Colombia Cruz, Edwin Alfonso; García Perlaza, Carlos; Sánchez Acosta, Karen; Herrera Aranguren, Lorena; Dávila, Viviana; Martínez Herrera, Yeraldine
| | | | · Quality of work life and health-related quality of life in women working in the informal economy in the commune 9 of Cali, Colombia Galarza-Iglesias, Ana Milena; Beltrán Narváez, Luis Hernando; Ordóñez-Hernández, Cecilia Andrea
| | | | · The importance of the compartment model of body composition analysis in women with severe obesity Vidal-Linhares, Renato; Barros-Costa, Mônica; Marino-Rosa, Felipe Monnerat; Castilla, Fábio André; Vale-Quaresma, José Carlos do; Fernandes-Filho, José
| | | | · Decline in empathy levels and sex differences in medical students from the Caribbean González-Díaz, Eugenia Smirna; Silva-Vetri, María Guadalupe; Díaz-Calzadilla, Patricia; Calzadilla-Núñez, Aracelis; Reyes-Reyes, Alejandro; Díaz-Narváez, Víctor Patricio
| | | | · Knowledge about oral health, salivary PH, body mass index and its relationship with dental caries in preschool children Cayo-Rojas, César Félix; Santillán-Espadín, Karina del Rocío; Nicho-Valladares, Miriam Kelly; Ladera-Castañeda, Marysela Irene; Aliaga-Mariñas, Ana Sixtina; Cervantes-Ganoza, Luis Adolfo
| | | | · Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on mental health (anxiety and depression symptoms) in the United States of America Baysan, Caner; Palanbek-Yavaş, Seher; Emel-Önal, Ayşe
| | | Letters to the editor | | | | · Assessment for learning in health sciences. An innovative pedagogical process Beltrán-Véliz, Juan Carlos; Tereucán-Angulo, Julio César; Salazar-Ascencio, José; Alarcón-Muñoz, Ana María
| | | | · Leadership among the medical staff Javier-Silva, Luz Alexandra; Rosario-Pacahuala, Emilio Augusto
| | | Case reports | | | | · Herlyn-Werner-Wunderlich syndrome: Case report López-Alza, Laura Catalina; Mesa-Espinel, Mario Santiago
| | | | · Stevens-Johnson syndrome and herpes simplex reactivation associated with paracetamol use. Case report Hoyos-Samboní, Diego Fernando; Munar, Julián Vicente; López-Valencia, David; Vásquez-Arteaga, Luis Reinel
| | | | · Pericardial effusion associated with DRESS syndrome. Case report Román-Chica, Laura María; Díaz-Duarte, Ángela María
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