| Table of contents Rev Colom Cienc Pecua vol.27 no.4 Medellín Oct./Dec. 2014 Editorial | | | | · Y ella quedó satisfecha...
| | | Original Articles | | | | · Estimation of genotype-by-environment interaction for milk traits based on foreign sires used in Colombia Echeverri, Julian; Rincón, Juan C; López-Herrera, Albeiro
| | | | · Variance and covariance components and genetic parameters for fat and protein yield of first-lactation Holstein cows using random regression models Múnera Bedoya, Oscar D; Herrera Ríos, Ana C; González Herrera, Luis G; Henao Velásquez, Andrés F; Cerón Muñoz, Mario
| | | | · Effect of microencapsulated blends of organic acids and essential oils supplementation on growth performance and nutrient digestibility in finishing pigs Cho, Jin H; Song, Min H; Kim, In Ho
| | | | · Evaluation of strategic and selective anthelmintic treatments on Pelibuey ewes in Cuba Arece-García, Javier; López-Leyva, Yoel; González-Garduño, Roberto; Torres-Hernández, Glafiro
| | | | · Physiological profiles of Zebu steers during transport and pre-slaughter Romero, Marlyn H; Uribe-Velásquez, Luis F; Sánchez, Jorge A
| | | | · Cytotoxicity and in vitro activity of chard (Beta vulgaris L. var Cicla) extracts on porcine pancreatic islets Forero, Jorge E; Posada, Viviana M; Herrera, Victor H; del Rio, Paola; Galeano, Natalia; López Herrera, Albeiro; Bedoya, Victoria I
| | | | · Whole-body and muscle amino acid composition of Plata pompano (Trachinotus marginatus) and prediction of dietary essential amino acid requirements Borges Tesser, Marcelo; Martins da Silva, Eduardo; Sampaio, Luís A
| | | Clinical cases | | | | · Genomic evaluation of Holstein cattle in Antioquia (Colombia): a case study Echeverri, Julián; Zambrano, Juan C; López Herrera, Albeiro
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