Artigos |
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| · The War on Drugs is Counterproductive, Once Again Ortiz, Carlos Humberto
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| · Effects of Filter Techiniques on the Evaluation of a Model of Real Economic Cycles Vásquez, Fredy; Restrepo, Sergio
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| · Determinants of Multilocation of Manufacturing Export Firms in Colombia Sinisterra, Mónica María
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| · The Competitivevness of Colombian Departments: An Analysis from the Economic Geography Perspective Lotero, Jorge; Posada, Héctor Mauricio; Valderrama, Daniel
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| · An Evaluation of Promotional Policies for Foreign Direct Investment in Latin America Morales, Lorena; Guerrero, Oriana Patricia; López, Mauricio
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| · Regional Inequity in health Financing in Colombia 2008 Alvis, Nelson; Alvis, Luis; Castro, Robinson
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| · An Analysis of the Day-of-the-Week Effect in Latin American Stock Markets Kristjanpoller Rodríguez, Werner
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| · Strategic Uses of Mobile Phones in the BoP: Some Examples in Latin American Countries Gamboa, Luis Fernando
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| · In Search of a Definition For the History of Economic Thought Gómez, Rebeca; Tobón, Alexander
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Nota |
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| · ¿El problema es que la economía no ha sido lo suficientemente keynesiana?: Una nota a propósito de Krugman y el debate sobre la situación de la ciencia económica Jaimes, Martha Susana
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| · The Making of an Economist, Redux, por David Colander Liang, Yan
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