| Sumário Lect. Econ. no.86 Medellín jan./jun. 2017 Artigos | | | | · A solution for multicollinearity in stochastic frontier production function models Castaño, Elkin; Gallón, Santiago
| | | | · Granger causality between exports, economic growth and electricity production: empirical evidence for Latin America Vera, Javier; Kristjanpoller, Werner
| | | | · The impact of the functional distribution of income on gross domestic product: Colombia, 1970-2011 Loaiza-Quintero, Osmar Leonardo; Tobón-Arias, Alexander; Hincapié-Vélez, Guillermo David
| | | | · Internal price stabilization tools in the Colombian sugar market: Do they work? Alonso-Cifuentes, Julio César; Arcila-Vásquez, Andrés Mauricio; Montenegro-Arana, Sebastián
| | | Sustainability of the domestic consumption of construction materials in Colombia, 1990-2013 Ríos-Ocampo, Juan; Olaya, Yris
| | | Artigos | | | | · Estimating water demand for urban residential use using a discrete-continuous model and disaggregated data at the household level: the case of the city of Manizales, Colombia Jiménez, Darío; Orrego, Sergio; Vásquez, Felipe; Ponce, Roberto
| | | | · Diplomas and educational mismatch in Cali using classified advertisements Mora, Jhon-James; Cendales, Andrés; Caicedo, Carolina
| | | | · Comparing forecasts for tourism dynamics in Medellín, Colombia Valencia, Marisol; Vanegas, Juan; Correa, Juan; Restrepo, Jorge
| | | Revisão | | | | · L’intrus et l’absent. Essai sur le travail et le salariat dans la théorie économique, por Jean Cartelier Cataño, José Félix
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