Artigos |
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| · Price Dynamics in the Departments of Colombia: Estimation of the Neo-Keynesian Phillips Curve Gil-León, José Mauricio; Cely-Acero, Juan Pablo
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| · The SPREAD of Interest Rates in Colombia for the Period 2010-2020 Galvis-Ciro, Juan Camilo; Hincapié-Vélez, Guillermo David; Oliveira de Morales, Claudio; García-Lopera, Jaime
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| · Flypaper Effect: The Colombian Municipalities Case for 2000-2017 Torres Ortega, José Marcelo; Ortega De la Rosa, Jorge Mario
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| · Presidential Elections and Municipal Development: The Colombian Case (1986-2014) Sandoval-Garrido, Luis Eduardo; Marín-Jaramillo, Margarita
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| · Cognitive Skills and Economic Growth in Colombia. a Departmental Analysis Jiménez-Ramírez, Sergio; Reyes-Camargo, Silvia
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| · Economic Crises and Political [in]stability: Latin American Polities in the Face of the 1930 Great Depression Curvale, Carolina; Pérez-Arrobo, Gustavo
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| · Wage Inequality of Mexican Immigrants by Type of Job Qualification in the United States Rodríguez Pérez, Reyna Elizabeth; Valdés Martínez, Daniela
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| · On the Evolution of Manufacturing Production Concentration in Mexican States and its Relationship to Their Level of Economic Complexity Gómez-Zaldívar, Manuel; Duran, J. Alejandra; Carrillo-Botello, Jaime
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| · Labor Market and Domestic Production: How Men and Women Allocate Their Time Tenjo Galarza, Jaime; Arango Silva, Jenifer
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| · Evaluation of the Financial Sustainability of the Associative Human Development Credit in the Province of Tungurahua, Ecuador Valencia Núñez, Edison Roberto; Valle Álvarez, Alexandra Tatiana; Cruz Lascano, Mary Elizabeth; Haro Sarango, Alexander Fernando
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| · Optimal Portfolio Selection Using the Black-Litterman Model With Fuzzy Views Franco Gómez, Yuly Andrea; Moreno Trujillo, John Freddy; Zapata Quimbayo, Carlos Andres
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