Editorial |
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Article of scientific and technological research |
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| · Organizational capitalism: a look at the quality of labor life in university teaching staff Terán Rosero, Ana Celina; Botero álvarez, Carla Cristina
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| · Determining factors of the creation of academic Spin Offs: case of the Instituto Tecnológico of Costa Rica Monge, Mauricio; Briones Peñalver, Antonio J.; García Pérez de Lema, Domingo
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| · Business social responsibility and finance Saavedra García, María L.
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| · Model of knowledge management: comprehensive view Bernal Torres, César A.
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| · Needs for consultancy in micro and SMES in Valle de Sugamuxi in Boyacá - Colombia González Millán, José J.; Rodríguez Díaz, Miryam T.; Duarte, Liliana M.
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| · Evaluation of the impact of microfinance on revenue and the generation of employment in Colombia Méndez Sayago, Jhon Alexander; Hernández Escolar, Hugo Alfonso; Carreño, Nubia Stella
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| · Intra-entrepreneurial culture and innovation: an empirical study in the colombian tourism micro and SMES Gálvez Albarracín, Edgar J.
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| · Strategy and state intervention in the colombian steel mill: considerations from institutionalism Barreto Bernal, Patricia Carolina
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| · The impact of market orientation on the financial performance of MSMES (micro, small and medium enterprises) in Bogotá Vega Rodríguez, Ricardo A.; Rojas Berrio, Sandra P.
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| · ICT tools as support fort he management of human talent Riascos Erazo, Sandra Cristina; Aguilera Castro, Adriana
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Reflection article |
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| · Legal protectionism of the commercial agency in Colombia versus economic integration treaties García Velasco, Isabel C.
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| · Socio-phenomenological perspective of the bureaucratic organizational structure Cuenú Cabezas, Jairo E.
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