Editorial |
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Artigos |
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| · Anthropological Interpretations of the "Indigenous" in Colombia Correa, François
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| · Difference, Hegemony and Disciplinization in Anthropology Restrepo, Eduardo
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| · Problems of knowledge construction in Social Sciences - A critical look at the classic notions of ideal type and representation Falleti, Valeria F
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| · The University: Problems, Context and Alternatives Espinal Pérez, Cruz Elena
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| · Communication, Participation and Democracy Rojas, Hernando
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| · Relocation and Reestablishment in the City - Case Study of a Displaced Population Jaramillo Marín, Jefferson
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| · The Living City - Stratification, Spatial Mobility and Representations of Social Stratification in Bogotá Uribe Mallarino, Consuelo; Pardo Pérez, Camila
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| · Jurisprudence as a Zone of Reflection on Cultural Diversity: Juridical Appropriation of Cultural Notions Vera Lugo, Juan Pablo
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| · General Onganía and the Military Nationalism in Argentina Laguado Duca, Arturo Claudio
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| · From Jack the Ripper to the Scarface Syndrome - Social Representations, "Real T.V." and "Tele-Physionomics" Rivera, Fernando
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Outras Vozes |
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| · Building a 'Culture of Peace' through Tourism: Reflexive and analytical notes and queries Salazar, Noel B
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Espaço aberto |
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| · Gaitán and Populism: Other Two Colombian Ghosts? Congote Ochoa, Bernardo
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Investigadores jovens |
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| · The Biodiversity Formula - Culture and Political Power in the Extreme South of the Colombian Amazon Trapezoid Tobón, Marco Alejandro
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| · Border Territories: Attack and Resistance in the Cacaria River Basin Meza Ramirez, Carlos Andrés
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Relatórios |
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| · Arturo Escobar Más allá del tercer mundo: globalización y diferencia Peñuela Uricoechea, Magdalena
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| · Juan Pablo Duque, Óscar Salazar y Gloria Elsa Castaño Saminashi. Arquitectura y cosmogonía en la construcción kogi Montenegro M, Leonardo
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| · Santiago Castro-Gómez La hybris del punto cero: ciencia, raza e ilustración en la Nueva Granada (1750-1816) Medina M, Lina Rocio
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| · Miguel García Bustamante Una historia de la educación femenina en Colombia: el Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca. 1945-2000. Laserna Estrada, Catalina
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