Editorial |
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| · Peer review in the maintenance of quality standards in scientific journals Rodríguez Gázquez, María de los Ángeles
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Original Articles |
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| · Contribution of intimate partner violence exposure, other traumatic events and posttraumatic stress disorder to chronic pain and depressive symptoms Tobo Medina, Natalia; Canaval Erazo, Gladys Eugenia; Burgos Dávila, Delia Concepción; Carrol Humphreys, Janice
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| · Incorrect use of medicines by patients post cerebrovascular accident Dopico da Silva, Lolita; de Mendonça Henrique, Danielle
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| · Non adherence factors to treatment of people with type 2 Diabetes Mellitus at home. Family caregivers view Hoyos Duque, Teresa Nury; Arteaga Henao, María Victoria; Muñoz Cardona, Mónica
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| · Community health workers perception about prenatal care Pedroso Canever, Bruna; de Mattia, Daiana; Maccarini Virtuoso, Ariane; Reibnitz Schmitt, Kenya; Cartana Fontoura, Maria do Horto; Coelho Amestoy, Simone; Lima Trindade, Letícia
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| · HIV/AIDS knowledge and occupational risk in primary care health workers from Chile Cabieses Valdés, Baltica; Ferrer Lagunas, Lilian; Villarroel, Luis Antonio; Cianelli Acosta, Rosina; Miner, Sarah; Bernales Silva, Margarita
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| · Knowledge and self efficacy associated to HIV and AIDS prevention in Chilean women Villegas Rodríguez, Natalia; Ferrer Lagunas, Lilian Marcela; Acosta, Rosina Cianelli; Miner, Sarah; Lara Campos, Loreto; Peragallo, Nilda
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| · Analysis of the training in thanatology of nursing students from the Federal University of Maranhao, Brazil Gomide Mochel, Elba; Batista Gurge, Wildoberto; Gomide Mochel, Anna; Costa Farias, Áurea Mariana
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| · Aspects that facilitate or difficult nurses training in primary health care Cozer Montenegro, Livia; Menezes Brito, Maria José
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| · Socializing as a dynamic learning process in nursing: A proposal in active methodology Carraro, Telma Elisa; do Prado, Marta Lenise; Vieira da Silva, Denise Guerreiro; Radünz, Vera; Silveira Kempfer, Silvana; Fabiane Sebold, Luciara
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| · Drug-addiction and its role in pedagogical processes, a hidden or an evident problem? Quintero Corzo, Josefina; Álvarez Márquez, Diana Yurany; Munévar Quintero, Fabio Ignacio
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Historical memory |
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| · Nursing professionalization beginnings in Colombia Castro Carvajal, Beatriz
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Ensaio |
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| · Young people talk about their sexuality: Community nurses pedagogical experience Valencia Jiménez, Nydia Nina; Vergara Mercado, Marylolis
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Review Article |
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| · International trends in nursing care Salazar Maya, Ángela María
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| · Fibromyalgia. What should nursing professionals know and evaluate? Restrepo Medrano, Juan Carlos; Rojas, Juan Guillermo
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| · Breastfeeding as a constructed practice: Reflections about breastfeeding and weaning historical evolution in Brazil dos Santos Monteiro, Juliana Cristina; Spanó Nakano, Ana Márcia
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