| Sumário Acta biol.Colomb. vol.27 no.3 Bogotá set./dez. 2022 Artigos de pesquisa | | | | · ARBUSCULAR MYCORRHIZA SYMBIOSIS REDUCES THE RHIZOCTONIA ROOT ROT AND ALTERS THE PHENOLIC PROFILE IN COMMON BEAN CORRALES-SÁNCHEZ, Jesús Benjamín; LÓPEZ-MEYER, Melina; VALDEZ-MORALES, Maribel; AGUILAR, Dora TREJO; BOJÓRQUEZ-ARMENTA, Yolani de Jesús; VALLE-CASTILLO, Carmen Elena; IBARRA-SARMIENTO, Carlos Ramiro; ROMERO-URÍAS, Cecilia de Los Ángeles; MORA-ROMERO, Guadalupe Arlene
| | | | · Molecular detection of begomoviruses isolated from weeds associated with chili pepper crops (Capsicum spp.) in Valle del Cauca, Colombia LÓPEZ-LÓPEZ, Karina; CORREDOR-RODRÍGUEZ, Andrea; CORREA-FORERO, Adriana Melissa; ÁLVAREZ-RUBIANO, Laura; SUÁREZ, Andrea; VACA-VACA, Juan Carlos
| | | | · Nest prédation in artificial bird nests across an anthropic intervention gradient in the Colombian Amazon LONDOÑO-D., Laura V.; COLORADO Z., Gabriel J.
| | | | · Variability of the community structure of aquatic macroinvertebrates in the Salinas de Chilca, Lima, Peru Castillo-Velásquez, Rodolfo M; Huamantinco-Araujo, Ana A
| | | | · Antifungal activity and plant growth promotion characteristics of hydrocarbon degrading Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Enterobacter sp. Isolated from polluted soil Flores-Pantoja, Luis E.; Briseño-Silva, Everardo; Loeza-Lara, Pedro D.; Jiménez-Mejía, Rafael
| | | | · Sandflies (Psychodidae: Phlebotominae) from peri-urban zone of Montería (Córdoba- Colombia) Jadit-URANGO, Harold; HOYOS LOPEZ, Richard
| | | | · Determination of the absorption capacity of organic matter with water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) through of the logistic growth model in the sector el Espino-río Bogotá DWTP TIBITOC SUÁREZ MALAGÓN, Andrés José; LARA MENDIVELSO, Julie Andrea; CASTAÑEDA RODRÍGUEZ, Luz Jaddy; CASAS CORTÉS, Paula Andrea
| | | | · Diversity of the genus Lutzomyia (Diptera: Psychodidae) in municipalities of the department of Córdoba - Colombia Garcia-Leal, Javier; Carrero-Sarmiento, Diego; Hoyos-López, Richard
| | | | · BIOLOGICAL ACTIVITIES AND CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF Rubia tinctorum (L) ROOT AND AERIAL PART EXTRACTS THEREOF. Zohra, Houari Fatima; Ramazan, Erenler; Ahmed, Hariri
| | | | · Reproductive aspects and fisheries management of the cardinal (Paracheirodon axelrodi, Characidae), relationship with the climatological pattern in the Inírida region of Colombia. PEDRAZA-GARCIA, Milton J.; ORTEGA-LARA, Armando; IREZ, Marco CORREA-RAM
| | | | · Peces (Actinopteri, Characiformes) de la Reserva Tapytá con tres nuevas adiciones a la ictiofauna paraguaya VERA-ALCARAZ, HéctorS.; ROJAS, Braulio L.
| | | | · Edge effect on the diversity and colonization of ectomycorrhizae of Quercus humboldtii. (FAGACEAE) in Arcabuco- Boyacá-Colombia BLANCO-VARGAS, Catalina; VARGAS, Natalia; PEÑA-CAÑÓN, Rocío
| | | | · Evolutionary theories in the courses of botánica, geology and paleontology in the Universidad Nacional de Colombia 1868-1875 MARQUÍNEZ-CASAS, Xavier; USAQUÉN-MARTÍNEZ, William; MUÑOZ-DURAN, Joao
| | | Nota Breve | | | | · The skull of Caiman crocodilus fuscus: Allometric and ontogenetic shifts Falcón-Espitia, Nelson; Jerez, Adriana
| | | | · Meiotic behavior in Vanilla (V. planifolia Jacks., Orchidaceae) Almejo Vázquez, Lizette I.; Iglesias Andreu, Lourdes G.; Escobedo Gracia-Medrano, Rosa Maria
| | | | · DISTRIBUTION EXTENSION OF Atractus potschi (SQUAMATA, DIPSADIDAE), WITH REMARKS ON ITS RANGE MENESES, Afonso Santiago de Oliveira; CITELI, Nathalie Kaladinsky; PRUDENTE, Ana Lúcia da Costa; Albuquerque BRANDÃO, Reuber
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