Editorial |
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| · Lockdown as sanitary strategy and mistake of public policy Idrovo, Álvaro-J
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| · Challenges and progress in the vaccination against COVID-19 in Latin America and the Caribbean Dreser, Anahí
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| · Gestation and birth of panendemic Idrovo, Alvaro J.
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Letter to the Editor |
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| · Omicron variant: what do we know? More questions than answers Rincón-Orozco, Bladimiro; Velasquez-Martínez, María Carolina; Peña-López, Brigitte Ofelia
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| · Is it a priority to vaccinate children from 3-11 years against COVID-19 in Colombia? Bautista, Leonelo E.; Rodríguez-Villamizar, Laura A.; Herrera-Galindo, Víctor M.; Martínez-Vega, Ruth A.; Sosa-Ávila, Luis M.; Oróstegui-Arenas, Myriam; Vera-Cala, Lina M.; Alvarado-Socarrás, Jorge L.; Idrovo, Alvaro J.
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| · The back and forth of health–sciences scientific journals in Colombia Pérez-Anaya, Oskarly; Wilches-Visbal, Jorge-Homero; Castillo-Pedraza, Midian-Clara
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| · Should physicians be called doctors rather than by our name? It’s time to change García-Perdomo, Herney Andrés
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| · Health-economy dissociation: pertinence of the economic reopening in Colombia and its impact on the health management of the covid-19 pandemic Marchán C., Juan C.
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Scientific Article |
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| · Social response to non-pharmacological measures to control the spread of COVID-19 in Colombia Murad-Rivera, Rocío; Rivillas, Juan-Carlos; Sánchez, Sandra-Marcela; Calderón-Jaramillo, Mariana; Rivera-Montero, Danny
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| · Environmental factors in the transmission of SARS-COV-2/COVID 19: World and Colombian outlook Pastor-Sierra, Karina; Peñata-Taborda, Ana; Coneo-Pretelt, Andrés; Jiménez-Vidal, Luisa; Arteaga-Arroyo, Gean; Ricardo-Caldera, Dina; Galeano-Páez, Claudia; Espitia-Pérez, Pedro; Salcedo-Arteaga, Shirley; Espitia-Pérez, Lyda
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| · Analysis of the relationship between particulate material, quarantine, and COVID-19 in a Colombian Caribbean city Wilches-Visbal, Jorge Homero; Castillo-Pedraza, Midian Clara
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| · Delayed onset muscle soreness intensity affects muscular performance Camacho-Villa, Maria-Alejandra; Reina-Torres, Diana; Herrera-Villabona, Esperanza; Delgado-Díaz, Diana
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| · Utility of YouTube as a source of information during health emergencies: COVID-19 pandemic case Nieves-Cuervo, Giselly-Mayerly; Espitia-Duran, Laura-Tatiana; Moreno-Salamanca, Maria-Andrea
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| · Styles of life and chronotype of university students in Popayán-Colombia Molano-T, Nancy-J; Chalapud-N, Luz-M; Molano-T, Dolly-X
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| · Covid19 in the Colombian Caribbean Region: A Documentary analysis Tuesca-Molina, Rafael-de-Jesús; Flórez-García, Víctor-Alfonso; Acosta-Vergara, Tania-Matilde; Romero, Edwin Guevara; Ríos-García, Ana-Liliana
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| · Patient Safety Climate in four Santander surgical units Fonseca-Mesa, Dairon-Alexander; Serpa-Pérez, Piedad-Cecilia; Arias-Botero, José-Hugo
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| · Collagen alteration in gingival hypertrophy in orthodontic patients: histological and immunohistochemical characterization Simancas-Escorcia, Víctor; Lozada-Martínez, Ariana; Díaz-Caballero, Antonio
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| · Effects of oleic (18: 1n-9) and palmitic (16: 0) fatty acids on the metabolic state of adipocytes Mantilla-Mora, Gerardo; Ángel-Martín, Alberto; Moreno-Castellanos, Natalia
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| · Knowledge, attitudes and practices of girls and boys on comprehensive sexual education in eight municipalities of Colombia Arenas-Duque, Andrea; Roldán-Restrepo, Daniela; Rivera-Montero, Danny; Sánchez-Molano, Sandra-Marcela; Rivillas-García, Juan-Carlos
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| · Evaluation of Nursing training experiences for the care of the elderly Fernández-Silva, Carlos Alberto; Sánchez-Sepúlveda, María Paz
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| · Burden of disease by external causes of injury in Bucaramanga, Colombia 2017 Casadiegos-Patiño, Lina Fernanda; Esquiaqui-Felipe, Rafael Enrique; Serrano-Diaz, Gloria Yadira
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| · Associated factors with the paternal decision on the return to face-to-face classes in Colombia during the COVID-19 pandemic Alvarado-Socarrás, Jorge; Quintero-Lesmes, Doris C.; Carmona, Juan Carlos; Niederbacher-Velásquez, Jürg; Franco-López, Maritza
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| · Association between polypharmacy and inappropriate prescription according to social class in older adults in Bucaramanga Albarracín-Ruiz, María José; Bueno-Florez, Silvia Juliana; Rodríguez-Bohorquez, Carlos Eduardo; Blanco-Guarín, Angie Lorena; Cadena-Sanabria, Miguel Oswaldo
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| · Relationship between physical activity, sedentary lifestyle, and excess weight in teenagers in Santanderes, Colombia Poveda-Acelas, Carlos-Augusto; Poveda-Acelas, Dana Carolina
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| · Neuroepidemiologic study in Colombia based on administrative data (ESENCIA). Preliminary results 2015-2017 Pinilla-Monsalve, Gabriel D.; Vergara-Aguilar, Jean Paul; Machado-Noguera, Belén; Gutiérrez-Baquero, Julián; Cabezas-Vargas, Zaida; Bejarano-Hernández, Juliana
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| · Ultrasound findings for the determination of malignant thyroid nodules Guarnizo V, Johana A; Ortiz P, Silvia P; Núñez R, Jesús; Trujillo A, Iván A
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| · Review, design, and construction of a measuring instrument to assess the labor competencies of outpatient pharmacy staff Ceballos-Rueda, Javier Mauricio; Ospina, Andrea Salazar; Muñoz, Pedro Amariles
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| · Design and validation of a multiple minisequencing assay to detect polymorphisms associated with Metabolic Syndrome Pérez F, Viviana L; Castillo P, Adriana; Mantilla M, Gerardo; Pereira L, Rui
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| · Acute viral respiratory infection in two institutions of the state of Boyacá, during 2016-2017 Suescún-Carrero, Sandra Helena; Valdivieso-Bohórquez, Silvia Juliana; González-Jiménez, Nubia; Vargas-Rodríguez, Ledmar
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| · Nursing agency for schoolchildren with special needs Ramírez, Gabriela; Fernández-Silva, Carlos Alberto
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| · Assessment of occupational performance: An integrating factor of the loss of work and occupational capacity Luna Novoa, Ingrid Ayrin; Guzmán Suárez, Olga Beatriz; Guerrero-Villabón, Karol; Moreno-Chaparro, Jaime
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Review article |
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| · Educational programs and interventions offered to pharmacy staff to improve the delivery of pharmaceutical assistance services: A structured review Ceballos, Mauricio; Madrigal-Cadavid, Juliana; Amariles, Pedro
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| · Influence of social support networks on the evolution of Alzheimer disease Castiblanco-Montañez, Ruth Alexandra; Ángel-Camelo, Lizeth Johanna; Díaz-Gómez, Juan Camilo; Martínez-García, Laura Fernanda; Moreno-Giraldo, Paula Daniela; Salamanca-Zamora, Valentina Milena
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Item review |
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| · Voluntary interruption of the pregnancy in Latin America, overcoming barriers González-Q, Adriana I; Moreno-L, Diva J; Grass-C, David E
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| · Alpha and Gamma variants of SARS-CoV-2: rapid review to aid decision-making Vargas-Sandoval, Gina Alexandra; Díaz-Jiménez, Diana Patricia; Hilarión-Gaitán, Liliana; Maldonado-Maldonado, Lorena; Hurtado-Obregón, Kristel; Álvis-Zakzuk, Nelson; Camerano-Ruíz, Rosana; Pineda-Lozano, Jean Carlo; Chaparro-Narváez, Pablo; Castañeda-Orjuela, Carlos Andrés
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| · Institutionalized maltreatment to the elderly adult - a systematic review Londoño Q, Nataly; Cubides, Miguel A
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| · Importance of type I interferons in the antiviral immune response against the Human Papillomavirus Peña-López, Brigitte O.; Romero-Bohórquez, Arnold R.; Rincón-Orozco, Bladimiro
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Item review |
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| · Staphylococcus aureus infections resistant to Methicillin acquired by children in the community. Case reports Mantilla-Durán, Laura; Buitrago-Anaya, Edgar; Guerrero Gómez, Carlos; Navarro-Mejía, Yohanna Andrea; Alvarado-Socarrás, Jorge Luis
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| · Hand surgery with local anesthesia with WALANT technique. Experience with a cases series Vergara-Amador, Enrique; Castro, Viviana Victoria; Camacho Castro, Felipe
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In memoriam |
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| · Jorge Eduardo Pinto Valderrama (19 de octubre 1970 – 9 de abril de 2021)
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